Thursday, May 11, 2006

Municipal Elections: When to Vote?

Dalton McGuinty has done it again. His foolish Liberal majority has passed a law requiring municipal elections to be held every four years, as opposed to the current three years. Once again nobody was consulted. I hope somebody has the guts not to allow this to become a reality (Mr Lieutenant Governor...).

Elections should be held more frequently in municipalities and here's why. First off, issues come up a lot faster at the local level. Citizens must have more chances to voice their favour or opposition to local policies. I think our current situation here in Milton attests to that. Would you like to see our corrupt town council sitting for four streight years not listening to you while spending your money on useless projects and handing over town control to developers. I think not. If it were up to me, I would hold municipal elections every two years. Don't give me this garbage that councilors need the extra year to complete goals. First of all, what goals? Secondly, working at a municipality is not like running a large territory like a province or country. Issues crop up a lot faster as I already mentioned and must be solved faster. People cannot just sit on their hands on these types of issues. If we allow councilors to stay in too long, they simply get too comfortable.

McGuinty, please retract this new policy. It doesn't help anybody.
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