Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Town Corruption Confirmed

I have finally uncovered proof that the Milton town council is involved in a corruption scheme. A relative of mine recently sent a letter into the Canadian Champion blasting the town for its handling of the new growth. We got quite a surprise when letters came from Mattamy Homes and Ward 4 councilor John Challinor. The letters were vary odd. Why would these two spend the time to track down my relative? These letters were not sent in confidence so I am free to critique them, which I belive is my duty as a quasi-journalist and political commentator.

It turnes out that developers are giving huge loans to the Town of Milton according to these letters. It's amazing how people start to slip up when the heat is turned on them. In other words, the housing developers are likely bribing the town to allow them to do as they please. Now, didn't we just have a whole debate and election over the same things at the federal level of government? This is highly unethical. The letters also read as though these two parties are attempting to cover something up. If I was upset at the town of Milton and its council before, I am furious now. There is not a single member of that council who deserves to be re-elected to office in November, especially now that some truths are coming to light. In the mean time, I will see if I can make an arrangement with my relative to have these letters published in the local paper. I feel all Milton residents deserve to know the truth.

I call on the councillor in question to resign immediately or face a huge backlash from angry Milton residents. As for the developer, you can pack up and leave town immediately. Even if each and every Milton resident has to put our pennies together to buy back the land, we will make sure you cannot build another house, not now, not ever.
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