Friday, May 19, 2006

Die Juden sind unser Unglück!: The Iranian Question

You may be wondering what the title of this article means. It is German for "The Jews are our misfortune!" This was a slogan used by the Nazi Party during Hitler's rule. Today, this slogan might as well read اليهود هم البلاء , which is the same phrase in Arabic.
I don't really like to venture into global politics, focusing more on things here at home, as I have a greater knowledge of Canadian issues. However, something in today's paper greatly upset me and I simply had to comment on it.

The problem is Iran although it could be any middle eastern country today. I chose the odd title of this article to reflect what is going on in that particular country at this moment. I have frequently been told by history professors that history does not repeat itself, but reading today's article in the National Post makes me question that. It seems that Iran is heading down the same path that Germany did 73 years ago. If there is one country that the entire world should be concerned about, it is Iran.

Iran has been in the news all too frequently lately. The issue has been their attempts to develope nuclear technology. The theocratic government of Iran seems all to egar to develop nuclear power, but for what purpose? It is feared that they will develope a viable nuclear weapon. Then there is their president, a Mr. Mahmound Ahmadinejad. He has an almost religious hatred toward Jews, has called the holocaust a hoax, and has stated that he wishes to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. This is not to mention the human rights violations that he and Iran's theocratic leadership have committed against their own people.

The latest issue, as expressed in the National Post today is a law being put forward that would require all Jews and Christians living in Iran to ware a special badge that will indicate what religion they are. This law is expected to pass and could be put in place by early 2007. For those who paid attention in highschool history class, this was part of the infamous Nurmburg laws laid down by the Nazi Government against the Jewish people. This is truely frightening. Will the world be doomed to repeat World War II all over again? The way things are looking now with Iran, the answer is most certainly yes. Iran seems to be preparing for war, with it's numerous parades to show off military might (as Hitler and the Nazis also did) and it's determination to develope nuclear weapons technology. It truely is a scary prospect. World War III is coming, but can be stopped if we act now. The United Nations better get off it's fat arse and do what it is supposed to do. Sanction the country and help those out who are having their human rights violated. The actions of Iran cannot and must not be tolerated as they were with Hitler and Germany in the 1930s. This need not lead to war, but the world has to stand up and show the Iranian government who's the boss.

Iran is a fascist neo-Nazi state that hides behind a veil of "faith".

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