Monday, May 29, 2006

Time To Make Transit an Essential Service

Unions are beginning to go to far. Their time has ended.

The Toronto transit union went on an illegal strike today. They are protesting concerns over shift changes and on the job safety. My viewpoint, they should all be fired, and here's why.

The job safety concerns are absolute BS. I take transit because I attend school in Mississauga and it is too expensive to park. I have taken the bus nearly every day for three years now and I have not witnessed a single incident. I can't seriously imagine that Toronto is that different. I'd like to know their definition of a fare dispute. It's probably somebody not realising that fares were increased and depositing the old amount. Then the poor harassed driver has to advise them of the correct amount. Poor soul.
As for shift changes being protested by the maintenance workers, I've got news for them. If you work shifts, shift changes are a normal part of the job. If you can't handle that, quit now.

Unfortunately, the people running Toronto don't have any balls and will probably just let these idiots continue on their little temper tantrum. All unions are them same now. The wealthy union leaders brainwashed their members using almost Orwellian methods. That's why these things happen.
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