Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fixed Election Dates a Good Move

This has been a growing trend in Canada. Ontario for example recently declared a fixed date for its elections. The Federal Government is making a move to do this as well.

Fixed election dates are something Canada has needed for years. They allow citizens to know exactly when they are to vote next. It also prevents politicians with majority governments from toying with the dates to call elections only when it's convinient for them. Former PM and sleeze ball Jean Cretien was famouse for this, which is what kept him in so long. It is a good move to strengthen democracy in our country.

The new bill proposed by the Harper govenment will set the date. I don't have the information in front of me but I believe they will be set at the third Monday in October, every four years. The current system allows elections to be called at any time during a government's mandate up to a maximum of five years. This new bill does not apply if a government falls after loosing a vote of non-confidence, such as the case of the last election.

The Harper government's new bill also proposed limiting the terms of senators to 8 years maximum. Under the current system, Senators are in office from the time of their appointment up until the age of 75, unless they choose to leave or if they die. This is also a good move as it keeps fresh people coming into the senate. The bill however falls short of requiring senators to be elected instead of appointed. I would personally like to see direct election of senators, with the same powers as their counterparts in the United States. If we do choose to keep the appointment method, I believe that senators should have to go through the same process as when the US elects judges to the supreme court. This would give parliament the veto over choices made by the Prime Minister. Canadian democracy won't improve unless we start transfering powers away from Prime Ministers, cabinets, and parties to those that were elected by the people.
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