Saturday, June 17, 2006

McGuinty Buys Out & Sells Out

This so called "land dispute" in Caladonia is turning into a huge farce. In hopes of ending the chaos, the McGuinty government bought the land in dispute from the housing developer, to hold it in good trust. I think we can all see where this is going. Where else can you sell a piece of land for money, claim you never did, protest it, gain government sympathy, and have the land given back to you without having to give any money back to the buyer? If you don't think the Ontario government is going to hand the land back free of charge, you're pretty foolish. McGuinty claims he doesn't want another Ipperwash to happen. Perhaps that would be the best thing though, as it would certainly solve the problem. Not to encourage violence, but with the way things have been messed up, what options are left? Our friend in government Big Dalton has a track record of not being able to handle tense situations. During the SARS crisis and the 2003 Blackout, he went MIA. Now he's doing pretty much the same thing with Caladonia, ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away.

If this is a reason not to vote McGuinty back in, then I can't think of a better own. This whole Caladonia thing has been going down hill from day one. Most of the natives at the blockades are on welfare and have nothing better to do. This is not my opinion, but of natives from the area who work for our family business. Simply put, the people at the blockades are only there to stir up trouble. They were hoping to make some free money through this elaborate scheme and it looks like their plan is working.
The OPP should be ashamed of themselves for not putting an end to it. Them standing by while natives attacked two camera men from a local TV station and an elderly couple is disgusting and the officers in question should loose their jobs.

The McGuinty government has failed miserably to solve the Caladonia problem. It's time the Federal government took over. The military should be called in to dispel the protesters and keep the peace, as the OPP are obviously unwilling to do so.
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