Monday, June 12, 2006

Terrorism Hearings a Farce

What body in Canada allows showboating, breaking the constitution, and letting dangerous people run loose? The justice system of course! The bail hearings for the Toronto terror suspects is turning into an absolute farce. Once again, the Canadian justice system is failing the people. These failures are starting to get more and more serious, to the point of being a direct threat to national security.

First off, the judge in the bail hearings should be fired for putting a publication ban in place. In my opinion these publication bans are a direct violation of the constituion. I feel the people have the right to know what is going on with a case this serious. I won't go as far as saying the proceeding should be televised, but the media has the right to report on the trials. The judge has no right to say otherwise. This is not a reasonable limit.

The second problem deals with accusations of torture. Convicted serial killers such as Paul Branardo are allowed to keep an Xbox in their cell. If you believe these suspected terrorists are being tortured, I have a bridge I can sell you. The lawyers are simply showboating to the media in order to draw sympathy for their clients. Let us not forget that these people are on trial for conspiracy to mass murder innocent civilians. They wouldn't be the first people to claim torture in prisons here in order to get off. Obviously these lawyers are not very good. I suppose all reputable law firms refused to take the case so Ali Bombalot had to stick to the bottom of a very deep barrle of poor lawyers.
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