Friday, June 30, 2006

Time to Clean (Court) House

Ontario's justice system has a serious problem. The problem is that judges are out of touch with society today. Lately, many dangerous criminals are being released on bail or are being given extremely soft sentences. Today, one person accused of one of Toronto's most shocking shooting incidents back on Boxing Day was released on bail. He plans to spend the weekned watching soccer. Gee, that's nice to know. You assist in the murder of someone and injure others and you get to spend the weekend relaxing at home. Something just doesn't seem right with that. In fact many recent deadly shooting incidents have involved people who were out on bail at the time.

The judges making these irrisponsible decisions are endangering the public and should loose their jobs. Our justice system is desigined to give people a second chance, but being accused of cold blooded murder is very different from shoplifting or lighting up a joint. Many of the people being released are already well known to the justice system.

I propose some solutions to this problem. First of all, it's time to clear out the old guard and bring in new blood to the bench that is in touch with today's society. Secondly, there needs to be a check on the justice system by making bail more difficult to grant for indictable crimes. Trials for indictable crimes should only be tried by jury, and sentencing should also be jury decided. If we don't act now to limit the power of irrisponsible judges, the problem will only get worse.
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