Sunday, June 04, 2006

Terrorists Get Out

Once again I am disturbed by what's going on in this country. Not frightened as some would like it, but rather infuriated. Infuriated that pure scum who have come to Canada and grown up in this country would even dare to commit mass murder against it.

The recent terror arrests and plot against Toronto reveals the truth behind Muslim terrorism. We can no longer say that it's due to Iraq, or attrocities commited by the west. It is simply a pure hatred of who we are. That we are free and live equally. That Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindi, Bhuddist, Athiest, etc can live together. This enrages them. They want a Muslim world and will murder anybody who does not believe in their religion.

We all know how Bin Landen likes to post things on the net about his plans. Well I hope he and his thugs are reading this. Attacking Canada is not like attacking the US. Attack a peaceful country that has done nothing to harm you, and the world will make you pay with an all out war. If you truely believe in your hate crusade, face us on the open battlefield instead of bombing and running like a coward.
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