Thursday, June 01, 2006

Time To Do Away With Copyright

Back in March, I posted an article about my disagreement with copy protection measures on electronic media. In that time, I have come to the conclusion that as a society, copyright laws are no longer needed.

Copyright was originally intended to protect the owners of publications from people stealing their ideas. In the years since it was first concieved, it has become an unbelieveable farce and a burden on our society. It has also been molded into a clever way to scam consumers.

Ever wonder why a bag of popcorn and a medium soda costs $10 at the movies, but only $3 at the grocery store? The answer, copyright. This law requires people showing the content to pay royalties each time it is payed. The ticket price for the movie covers those steep royalties. Theaters must charge huge amounts for snacks in order to make money, because they don't make it from tickets.

Ever wonder why your local library lacks quality books, charges a fortune in late fees, and is always holding fund raisers? Copyright again. Libraries must pay a fortune when purchasing new material to allow books to be read over and over again. Royalties. Libraries are the great halmark of human society, but are being held back by this law.

Ever wonder why you can't return media to the store such as magazines, movies, CDs, and games? Copyright once again. They're afraid you may be making pirated copies in your basement and selling them on eBay. Meanwhile, you're stuck with a defective or unsatisfactory product and they get to keep your hard earned moeny. Does that sound fair?

This is only the tip of the iceberg. I haven't gone into how taxing it is on our legal system due to all te ludicrous lawsuits that organizations such as the MPAA and RIAA are filing against those who are innocent. For an information society, our informatin sure is restricted. Then there are the scams that require you to buy new TVs and computers in order to decode new digital copy protection methods. I personally see nothing wrong with copying other people's work as long as people acknowledge who did it. Copyright law is only taxing our society and it should be done away with.
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