Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dust in the Wind

Once again, these developers have had me fuming. This time, it concerns local health. The last few days have been quite windy and dust from housing sites has blanketed Milton in a thick brown cloud. All the windows, lawn furnature, and my car are covered in a thick dust remenicent of the storms suffered in China and the south-western US.
Our family owns a heavy construction contracting business. I know the rules involved with building and I know Fieldgate Homes is not following them. By law dust must be kept wet down, especially when it's windy. This is to prevent dust storms. Fences must also be erected to prevent dust from blowing, similar to the orange ones put up in winter to prevent blowing snow. This particular developer has failed to do either of these. A neighbouring development owned by another company is complying with the rules, and they are not the problem.

I'm beginning to wonder if these dust storms are having a negative health effect. Lately, I've suffered from sneezing and itchy eyes. Now this could be just alergies, but they only seemed to start when the dust started being kicked up. Historically, I have not suffered from alergies. Oddly enough, I don't seem to suffer from these symptoms when I travel outside of town either. Could this dust be making me ill? Other residents of Milton that I've talked to are complaining of similar symptoms. Unfortunately it's hard to pinpoint an exact cause. However, according to local weather, pollen counts are rather low. They aren't high enough to cause severe symptoms.
The town should start fining these people. Of course, with local corruption, that has become difficult.
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