Thursday, June 15, 2006

CAA Wrong in Novice Mobile Ban

The Canadian Auto Association wants to ban all mobile devices in cars driven by novice drivers. This would include cell phones, MP3 players, and other mobile electronic devices. I agree with this idea in its concept, but I think the CAA is way off base.

First of all, there is a big difference between cell phones and things such as MP3 players. That is that MP3 players and satellite radio units are "set it and forget it". Once they're set up, they can be left alone. They do not pose the same risk of distraction. Cell phones on the other hand constantly beg for the drivers attention by ringing at them and dumb people just cannot put them down. Unlike these mobile music players, the driver has to lean over, pick up the phone, and hold it to their ear while using one hand to drive. Hands free units pose the same danger because they also demand the driver's attention by constantly ringing. If you're going to ban MP3 players and other mobile music devices, why not ban car stereos and climate control systems as they pose the same threat of distraction. I think any sensible person can see that cell phones are the greater enemy.

Secondly, I think the CAA missed the mark by wanting to ban cell phones for novice drivers only. It is true that novice drivers lack skill. However, cell phones are just as dangerous in the hands of a seasoned driver as they are in the hands of a novice. A popular science TV show recently proved that a cell phone in the hands of both a novice and experienced driver is just as dangerous as driving drunk. This has been supported by more professional studies. I myself have seen more near misses with seasoned drivers trying to dial and talk while driving. In fact, I don't know too many youths who do talk on their phone while behind the wheel. If you want to ban cell phones while driving, ban them right across the board. The CAA's system won't stop accidents. It won't teach youth good habits either as they'll just start using the phone in the car as soon as they're "experienced" enough.
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