Thursday, June 15, 2006

Quary Chaos

Recently, the local quary in Milton has is application to expand denied. I find this rather odd. I do not support the expansion of the quary but I think there is definatley a major double standard Halton Region, the Town of Milton, developers, and other businesses.

The Quary is nestled in the escarpment. It has wanted to expand for some time but has faced firce opposition by both town and regional councils on the grounds of environmental concerns. A sound decision if you only look at the outer layer. If we dig deeper, let us keep in mind that the new housing developments going up at the base of the escarpment. This is also on environmentally sensative land. These developers have faced relatively little opposition from the town and the region. Opposition tends to be weak and is used only as a means to cajole town residents seeing that 2006 is an election year.

Once again, I smell corruption. Milton residents. If you see your current councilors name on the ballot in November, put your check mark next to somebody else. I for one have had enough games from our local government.
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