Thursday, June 29, 2006

Canada Should Not Take Sides

The United Church and the Ontario Union of Public Employees is calling for a boycott of Israel due to their treatment of the Palestinians. In other words, they want the Canadian government to start taking sides in the nearly 60 year conflict. This is exactly what I expect for unions and religious nuts. An ignorant decision on their part.

The conflict over this small strip of land on the Eastern Mediterrainian has been going on as long as anybody can remember. I liken it to children fighting in the playground over who gets the sandbox. Rather than just sharing it, they scream and cry, and throw a few punches. Unfortunately, there are no parents or teachers around to break up the fight. I think it's the heat.
Now if I had my way, I'd just nuke the whole area and declar that nobody gets it. That wouldn't be smart or correct though. The solution is simple, share the land and treat each other equally. It works here. War ends, everybody lives peacefully. Unfortunately, the hard part is getting these bickering children to realize that.

Some would argue we take sides. The United Church and the UPE want use to take the Palestinians's side because they are being oppressed. Others wish we take Israel's side because they are being terrorized. The correct path is to take neither side. This conflict is none of Canada's business. This is not the west's fault for giving the Jews the land either. They created their own mess. Nothing but trouble arises from taking sides in the problems of distant nations. Each side is as bad as each other. There are people from the troubled region that preach their causes here. Immigrants need to be told to leave their problems at the door or go back to where they came from.

There is no way we can solve, and we do not have to right to even try. Only the Israelies and Palestinians alone can solve it.
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