Thursday, June 22, 2006

Spousal Support Unnecessary

Remember the 1970s when feminists pushed to be completely independent of men? Well it looks like that trend is reversing. Divorce these days has become a big cash cow. It's no wonder half of all marriages end in it. It pays off, especially in a system that tends to favour women. They begin to think "that SOB hurt me, time to clean him out." I think divorced people should get something but the courts are turning into a big sparing match, over the car, the kids, even the dog these days. Now it appears you can get a big payout for "emotional trauma" suffered due to your spouses too friendly relationship with that blond co-worker.

Canada's Supreme Court jesters made a decision reguarding one particular case. A woman was claiming that because her husband cheated on her and she divorced him, she is now too bitter to work. In fact, she's so bitter, she passed up an $80,000 a year job because of the emotional trauma her sleezy husband caused her. She wants her ex to support her. The ex had recently lost a $200,000 job and wanted to get his payments reduced from $2,250 per month. (thanks to the Toronto Sun for the details) That's not a lot, a mere $27,000 per year, and the husband could probably easily afford it, but loosing ones job can be just as traumatic as a divorce, especially one with that much dough. Not that he should be forgiven for cheating. However, this woman was given an opportunity to tripple her current income she's getting from her husband but she turned it down. The supreme court upheld a lower court ruling that the husband must keep paying the $2,250, even though it's 8 years after the fact. This woman had not had an easy life based on the article in the Sun, but one must suck it up, because life does sucks sometimes. If you turn down a high paying job because you are too bitter, you deserve to be homeless in my opinion. Quit sponging off other people. What happened to the vision of the strong and independent woman?

Of course, this court ruling opens up a whole new can of worms. It puts a burdon on the courts as divorced men and women scam the system by making up fake mental illnesses that prevent them from working, when in reality they're just lazy. What an enlightened justice system we have. Spousal support is totally unecessary in today's society, unless the person has a real disabilaty that prevents them form working, few of which exist. People need to be encouraged to become self-sufficient. When a divorce happens, it should be over and thats the end of it. The man should only have to worry about any children with the woman after that, and vice versa.
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