Sunday, May 21, 2006

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Move to Milton

A lot of people are considering moving to Milton, but perhaps you should give it a second thought. Here are the top 10 reasons why Milton is not a good place to live.

10. Lack of Recreation Facilities: Milton does have three hockey areans and a couple of pools but not much else. Recreation programs and facility user fees are quite steep and have gone up a lot in recent years. If you are not interested in sports, there is little to do here. Parks are in poor condition due to unnecessry cut backs and some may even turn into more housing developements.

9. Lack of Schools: Milton's highschools are filled to the brim and cannot except many more students. We seem to have more Catholic schools than anything else even though majority of the town is not Catholic. Public elementary schools are over capacity as soon as they open.

8. High Taxes: If you're looking to get out of Toronto in hopes of getting a tax break, forget it. Milton has some of the highest taxes in the GTA despite huge income from growth and Mohawk race track.

7. Pollution: If you are leaving the city in hopes of escaping the noise and air pollution, you won't find that escape here. Traffic noise is constant for 20 hour a day periods. Constant construction and thick smog from the city drape the town in a choking haze.

6. Lack of Vision: If you think David Miller has a lack of vision, try this place. When the town tries to come up with a vision for Milton's future, it's more like the Mad Hatter's tea party due to chaotic and unthought out planning.

5. Lack of Safety: If you came here to escape the violence of the city, you may feel safe at home here. Milton certainly does not have any violent crimes, but remember that Milton is prone to break ins and auto theft. Petty crime has been rising steadily in recent years. Police spend more time at Timmy's than anywhere else. Let us not forget lack of traffic safety measures due to cost cutting.

4. Lack of Commercial Development: All these houses and hardly any shops to supply them. Expect long lines at grocery stores and drives into Mississauga if you want something specific. Stores that do open here are usually smaller than those in other towns and are of a second rate quality.

3. Bermuda Triangle Transit: Roads are an absolute mess in town and show no signs of improvements. Construction is slow and rush hour has become a 24-hour a day affair. It's difficult to get aroud town and even more difficult to get out of it. We have a bus system but it is expensive for what it is. GO service is not regular, and trains into the city only run during a narrow window around the morning and evening rush. There is no easy way to get to Downtown Toronto from here as it is in other towns.

2. Too Much Development: If you buy a new house for the view of the escarpment, you are a fool. You may loose that view pretty soon as new developments go up. Developers are just allowed to build anyware they wish without limits, including sensitive lands at the escarpment's base. Town infrastucture cannot sustain this out of control and unplanned development for much longer as it is already at it's limit.

1. Corrupt Local Government: Milton is in the mist of it's own sponsorship scandal including my suspicians of taking bribes from developers. Strong evidence has been found to support this. Expect to be ignored by your town and regional councilors as they only favour developer demands. The town council is run by small town cheap rednecks, much like Toronto's. Don't expect to leave Toronto and find things better out here.
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