Thursday, April 23, 2009

The End of the Canadian Auto Industry

I think Ontarians need to send a loud, clear message to the Canadian Auto-Workers Union. The union is protesting today at Queens Park, 5000 strong, to try and force the government to cough up $6 billion for their pension funds. I already discussed this in depth about how harmful such a payout would be for non-CAW members who would end up footing the bill, especially retirees (the majority) who don't receive government protected pension funds; if they receive pensions at all. It is morally wrong to force ordinary citizens to pay for outrageous retirement benefits the union demanded from the American automakers. Union top brass as still insisting that the union members have been put in this position through no fault of their own. They are still acting as though the automakers are bluffing and as if this is an ordinary end-of-contract negotiation. These people are fools and dangerous ones at that. Though I have no love for McGuinty, I praise that he has at least stood his ground on the issue. The province cannot afford to cover the billions automakers owe. The Union is simply interested in covering it's own backside to keep its operation lucrative rather than protecting the jobs of its members.

However, if in the event the government flip flops and decides that taxpayers should foot the bill, I urge all Canadians NOT to buy CAW made cars but rather purchase imports and non-union built Canadian cars. A message needs to be sent to the CAW as well as GM and Chrysler that we will not tolerate them toying with our money as a bandaid for their mistakes.
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