Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Should be Wake Up Call For US Immigration

Everybody is now panicked over the so called swine flu that's gripping Mexico. So far, the flu has moved into the United States and Canada. Most of the current cases in the United States have come from people who visited Mexico City in recent days on business and vacation. However, I think it should act as a wake up call over America's issue of illegal immigration from that country. This is where those who favour illegal immigration on humanitarian grounds fail the logic test. The problem with allowing people to come into your country illegally is not just a security matter but it is a public health concern as well. This type of immigrant slips past screening for communicable diseases and if they are infected with something like the swine flue, they are at high risk for passing it on to the general population. Remember that these countries do not have the same health standards that we do. While we can get vaccines to make us immune to many deadly diseases, they may not be available in poorer countries. In reality, the risk of this happening is relatively low but that does not mean it cannot happen. It's not discrimination against these people when it is known that such illnesses are in the wild. We need to take more precautions when people from there enter our borders.
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