Friday, April 10, 2009

Idiots Hall of Shame: First Quarter 2009

Alright, I may or may not have stolen, err, borrowed the idea from Toronto radio host Bill Caroll. This is a list of people and organizations in politics who I think have done outright stupid things. The list is on the sidebar but after four months of it, it's starting to outgrow that format. However, I want to keep it stickied. So instead, I'm just going to keep them up for one three month quarter then archive them. The older ones will still be linked in the side bar but this should neaten things up a bit. January to March 2009 is below.

March Inductees
Mainstream Liberals -- For not being outraged by antisemitic comments by fellow liberals such as Syd Ryan and York University's student body

Warren Buffett -- For being a scared idiot and enduing needless panic in the markets.

CAW -- For thinking a wage freeze is a major concession.

David Dodge -- Ex-Bank of Canada Gov. More Buffett style phony fear mongering about the economy.

George Galloway -- British MP denied entry to Canada. An arrogant, corrupt, criminal, communist, antisemite. Need I say more.

Greg Gutfeld -- For insulting Canadian troops and being a general douche bag.

Dalton McGuinty -- Ontario Premier. Too many reasons to list here.

February Inductees
Barack Obama -- For nearly starting a trade war less than two weeks into his term.

York U TAs -- for being greedy, violent, and robbing students of an education

Ontario Municipalities -- for spending other people's money like water with no accountability

CRTC -- For thinking it can regulate the Internet

North American Druggies -- For destroying Mexico

NASA -- could have fed 4 billion people with money it wasted on CO2 hunting satellite

January Inductees

Howard Hampton -- For abandoning University Students, one of his biggest constituencies.

Erik Millet -- NB School Principal for banning Oh Canada

Google -- For not fixing Blogger's italics/bold problem
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