Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Ah, the intellectual, enlightened liberal. What intelligent things they say.

WASHINGTON - A diplomatic skirmish broke out Tuesday over suggestions by Janet Napolitano, the U.S. homeland security secretary, that terrorists have routinely entered the United States through Canada, including the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks. Napolitano's remarks in an interview earlier this week have angered some Canadians and prompted the normally reserved Canadian ambassador to the United States, Michael Wilson, to forcefully set the record straight.

In all fairness to Obama though, all his other options for the position are currently being investigated by the IRS for tax evasion. So much for an end to Bush era rhetoric and misinformation. I keep looking for the "change" but I'm not finding any. Maybe I should try checking under the couch cushions at the Oval Office. The sad part is that Canada is now taking over the United States' role as a major world leader that people look to. I know, it blows my mind too.

Update April 25th: Seems John McCain has echoed Napolitino's comments about the 9/11 terrorists entering the US through Canada. I had rooted for him back during the 2008 election (after Rudy dropped out) and he has really let me down on this issue. The 9/11 Commission Report (which I have a copy of) proved beyond reasonable doubt that the perpetrators of the attack entered into the United States directly and NEVER passed through Canada. Despite the report, this falsehood seems to be a common belief within the US. It all stems back to the LA bomber in the late 90s who had tried to enter the US from British Columbia. However, they neglect to tell you he was stopped at the border by Canadian guards and arrested before he could launch his attack. Even if the terrorists had entered through Canada, as the National Post points out, the blame would still fall on US border guards and immigration officials for letting them in. It was America's lax immigration laws that let them in, not ours. For those keeping score, this is the second international incident sparked with Canada in Obama's first 100 days in office.

Source: The Canadian Press via CNEWS
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