Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Galloway Funding Terror? Apparently So

Looks like the Government of Canada was justified of keeping British RSPECT MP George Galloway out of the country on grounds of funding terrorist activities. The UK Charity Commission has sent him a letter advising Galloway that they've lost patience with him and his organization. They're demanding he show up to provide answers regarding his charitable activities in Palestine or else be hauled before a high court judge. The accounts of Viva Palestina, Galloway's group that supposedly provided aid to Hamas civilians in the Gaza Strip during the 2008/2009 war, has been frozen. Naturally, Galloway blamed the Jews... again. He believes the accusations are part of a Zionist conspiracy against him and Britian's Muslim population. Is there anybody left on this planet that still doubts this man is a raving antisemitic lunatic? Galloway had previously admitted to giving $2 million to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a political donation. In the United Kingdom, it is illegal to give funds of any sort to proscribed terrorist organizations. Canada has an identical law which is what prevented him from entering this country. It was never an issue of freedom of speech but about keeping someone out who had comitted, and admitted to, a criminal offense.

Source: The National Post, Terry Galvin
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