Saturday, December 16, 2006

OPP Has Failed: Military Action Needed

The Ontario Provincial Police have failed at Caledonia. This comes on the heels of the arrest of Gary McHale, who organized a protest against the native occupiers. Not only is this grossly unconstitutional, it proves who the police are really supporting in this issue.

The Federal Government really needs to get involved and to take a stand against the aboriginal protesters. How long can we let this go on? Another year, five years, ten years of squatting on land that does not belong to them? The RCMP or the military should be called in immediately to resolve the dispute. Obviously the OPP is not there anymore to protect the rights of Ontarians. It's bad when it gets to the point where an external body must get involved. Constitutionally the natives are a federal duty so they should be resolving it anyway.

Further more, OPP chief Julian Fantino should resign his post and the officers involved should be reprimanded for their failure in the issue. What are we? Mexico? The natives have no legitimate claim over land they sold. Why bring up stuff from 200 years ago? Only to cause trouble most likely. Most of those on the Six Nations reserve are on welfare (I've had natives tell me that), simple wards of the state. Their free ride has gone on long enough.

Political Correctness is Dying a Cold Death

It's been a slow news week so this Christmas Tree thing has been dominating the airwaves for the past few days. The tree issue itself is rather trivial on the outside. It does however scratch the surface of a very important issue in Canadian society. That is political correctness.

The PC movement began in the 1980s. The idea was to eliminate racism and intolerance. Since it first started, it's done quite the opposite. If anything, it's made people more intolerant. The anti-Christmas movement that came out of PC was started by a small minority of Jews, though some atheists in the US have joined. As an atheist, I celebrate Christmas. It's a western tradition and is just as much secular as religious. I couldn't care less where they have a baby Jesus. He is a historic figure after all.
The vast majority of Jewish people do not support this anti-Christmas crap. Frank Dimant, vice president of the B'nai Brith has denounced Justice Cohen's decision. Based on her last name, Cohen is obviously Jewish. It seems she doesn't have the support of her people though, far from it. This whole thing about the Christmas tree has seemed to unite Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Jews in the Toronto area. I'm sure this is not what Cohen was expecting. Current government policy allows for the celebration of all holidays in order to promote multiculturalism. This move by Cohen is anti-multicultural. She still refuses to back down though. The government needs to redefine policy to prevent overzealous people from taking things into their own hands.

As for political correctness, it's dying a cold death. People are sick of having to tiptoe around issues for fear of offending someone. It seems that Canada's four major religions are in agreement on this. Attacking Christmas displays is not political correctness, it's just bigotry desguised as it.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Is Iran Falling to Nazism?

Iran is a curious state that is certainly full of controversy. Earlier this year, the National Post posted a false article regarding arm bands for Jews. Fortunately this was not true but one begins to question how long will it be before it is the case.

Iran is holding what it calls a Holocaust Conference. It claims it is to discus the reality of the holocaust in an open and free environment. In reality, it seems to be more of a convention for anti-semitics than anything else. Notably, a former leader of the US based Ku Klux Klan was invited to be a keynote speaker. (For those who don't know, the KKK is a radical and violent white supremacy group that hates Jews, who are ironically white) The conference's main goal is to question whether the holocaust actually happened. If the holocaust was fabricated, it must be the greatest conspiracy in history. Certainly, it would be impossible to pull off. I find it insulting that there are people who would deny the crimes of Nazi Germany, since I had family members die fighting them. Curiously, anti-zionist Jews were invited to the conference and are attending. It begs the question of whether Iran's government is anti-Jewish or just anti-Israel. That question is difficult to answer. It's not one I can answer, though I'm leaning towards the latter.

I think Iran's theocratic regime is treading on very thin ice. The world has turned against them, with almost every foreign leader denouncing the conference. Public opinion in Iran itself has been very negative. Both Arab and Jewish Iranians are denouncing the conference and the government for letting racists and Nazis in their country. Iran is certainly on a path for a second revolution.

Tis the PC Season

I was reading in the Sun today about a judge who forced staff at a particular Ontario court house to remove a Christmas Tree from the front lobby and move it to the back of the building where it goes unseen. I find this to be a curious decision to say the least, and certainly illegal in my opinion. Despite outrage by staff, Justice Marion Cohen has defended her decision on the grounds that it is a Christian symbol.

Was this judge right to make this decision. In my opinion, the decision is unconstitutional. Under section 2, you cannot discriminate on the basis of religion but it seems to me that's exactly what Cohen is doing. Historically, Christmas Trees are not a religious symbol. People used to decorate trees for winter festivals long before they became associated with Christmas. A proposal to rename it a unity tree with symbols from all religions was turned down.

The tree has been a tradition at this particular court house, which is what upset people the most. Each court administrator, as Cohen is, has the right to do as they please. There is no universal policy.

This begs the question if political correctness is going to far. Do we abandon traditions just for the sake of not offending someone. I'm not Christian and I put up a Christmas Tree, and I call it so. It's not a holiday tree or unity tree. If that's the case, I'm going to start calling Menorahs "festive Middle-Eastern candelabres". I guarantee that won't go over well with the civil servants.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

At It Agian New Milton

I loath the new people to Milton with every fiber of my body. I would like nothing than to round them all up and toss them back to the garbage heap known as Toronto from which they came. They push and shove, whine and winge, they bitch about everything; problems they created.

The latest involves construction in a housing development. I grew up around construction sites and I know the hazards associated with them. The new people to Milton in the Hawthorn Village subdivision are complaining about their children getting to school. In order to get to a new school in the area, many children have to walk past construction sites. The parents are fretting because of how dangerous these sites are. Their kid could get killed walking near them. Now they want a bus service.

This actually made CFTO's 6pm news. (just goes to show the sorry state of the news media, but I'll save that for another day) One dad said he drives his kid to school because of this "danger", even though the kid is less than a five minute walk away. He is one screaming for a school bus service in order to protect their kids from the danger of the construction. Get real. You really want the Halton taxpayer to have your kid take a one minute bus ride to school? Fortunately, the Halton District School Board agrees with me. They said no to the bus idea. How dumb are people getting in this town. I say if you want that kind of service, drag your slimy hides back to T.O. and put the kids back on the safe embrace of the TTC to school. Milton is not Toronto, for those who haven't noticed. Nor should it become like it, despite what some want. The danger is just not there as long as the kids have common sense and are taught to stay away from the men while they're working. When I was growing up, that was a "well duh" thing to most children.

What bugs me most about the noobies is that they complain the loudest but don't vote. Plus, Milton didn't have these problems before they came. They created them so now they have to live with them, or else get out. I think the latter option is the best one since they're making the old folk suffer unjustly from the problems they caused. *sigh* A man can dream. (I guess the Native Canadians must be having a "now you know how it feels" moment when they look at us.)

No Use Crying Over Raw Milk

This is a story I've been following off and on. It's not a particularly important story but I thought I'd comment on it. A great deal of people have been questioning the food supply recently.

The story is of an Ontario farmer who wants to sell raw milk. Raw milk comes right from the cow and is untreated. It is illegal to sell raw milk in Ontario. This farmer thinks that law is unfair because people should be able to eat what they wish. Unfortunately things are not this easy.

It's been illegal to sell raw milk for some 70 years. The reason dates back to the turn of the 20th century. Infant mortality rates in Toronto's poor districts were at an all time high. Causes of death were bacterial and viral infections. These infections were traced to raw milk. At the time, only the wealthy could afford the pasteurized product. The boards of health at the time decided to act. Areas were setup where low income families could obtain clean, pasteurized milk for free. Infant mortality rates dropped dramatically after this. Not long after, the sale of raw milk was banned.

The organic food trend has boosted demand for the product. There is a difference between organic milk and raw milk though. Organic milk is still pasteurized but comes from grain fed cows who haven't been given antibiotics. Pasteurization is a process of heating a liquid above a temperature in which harmful microbes cannot survive. There are no chemicals involved in the process, despite what proponents of raw milk claim. Raw milk is dangerous because it contains living diseases that can cause food poisoning. Humans are not really meant to drink cow's milk, which is what separates it from human milk. Human milk contains special antibodies that protects us from these illnesses, cow's milk does not.

I rarely agree with the Liberals but in this case I do. It's insane to put a potentially harmful food product on the market. You wouldn't sell, say carrot juice that's potentially contaminated. Why would milk be any different. Sometimes "rights" cannot trump public safety. If raw milk was legalized, I'd be willing to bet a few years down the road, someone would get sick from it and the government would get sued for allowing its sale.

There is no difference between raw milk and pasteurized milk, except for the latter being safe to drink. I don't see what the problem is here. I guess somebody will always be there to complain about something, no matter how trivial. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll be hearing the last from this.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Short On Cash? No Wonder!

The CEO of Hydro One has been fired this week. The same week in which Ontario's auditor general released a report that revealed mass corruption within the ranks of Ontario's public service. Millions of dollars have gone missing from Ontario coffers, spent on items that cannot be accounted for. These items include lavish vacations to the Caribbean by Childrens' Aid workers, luxury cars, fine dining, and $44,000 spent by the Hydro One boss. The Ontario Government under Dalton McGuinty is always complaining to the feds and citizens that it's always strapped for cash. That's why our taxes are so high, according to the finance minister. Now we're starting to see where all this extra tax money is going. To keep civil servants living in the lap of luxury. They're off laughing all the way to the bank while we toil in our jobs, giving half of our hard earned pay to them. People should certainly be more outraged than they are. Unfortunately, Canadians only seem to get outraged when a certain doughnut shop chain raises the price of coffee by 10 cents. The government takes thousands off them, criminally wastes it, and they don't even bat an eyelash. It's no wonder the Americans view Canadians as being so dumb, its because we are.

So what's our solution? There's a couple of long and short term ones we could try. First off all, there needs to be tighter accounting and tighter budgets within government departments and crown corporations. Every single penny should have to be accounted for. The second is to begin laying off civil servants en mass. The bureaucracy has simply gotten too big. A great deal of civil servants are under worked and overpaid. Take Hydro One's boss who resigned but ran away with three million dollars. Three million dollars can get a surprising amount done. Several bridges could be repaired and hundreds of hospital beds could be opened.

Of course we cannot do either of these options. The problem? OPSU. The Ontario Public Service Union. They prevent layoffs and basically allow government workers to get away with anything. Even those who get caught don't get punished. As David Dingwall infamously said "I'm entitled to my entitlement". Same works for Ontario's public service, and Hydro One's boss is an excellent example. In my opinion, government workers should not be allowed to unionize. I feel that this is a reasonable limit on the rights to freedom of association. Under a democratic system, it essentially puts one massive, unelected organization in total control of government. It is a oligarchy that only supports the needs of the few in a system that is supposed to be the voice of the many in the interest of all. I doubt that government employees are would be "exploited" without the protection of their union. It's not like they do backbreaking labour in mines and factories. The more we do the eliminate unelected, self-interested oligarchies from our government, the better our democracy will be. More importantly, we will finally be able to freely check the abuses within the bureaucracy.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

1 In 18,000,000

The lottery. Your chances of winning are incredibly small. Apparently they've gotten even smaller in Ontario. Apparently lottery retailers have been collection prizes more often than the the odds would suggest. They've been defrauding people by saying winning tickets are losers and claiming the prizes themselves.

The Ontario Ombudsman has called an investigation into OLG retailers. A great waste of tax payer dollars in my opinion. There's an easy answer to this problem, and it comes right out of the Well Duh file. When a private corporation holds a customer contest, employees aren't allowed to enter. So, why not do the same with OLG employees. Duh.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Milton Election Rigged?

Democracy died in Milton today with incumbents sweeping the election. My friends, I believe the Milton municipal election was rigged. Based on people I've talked to, the incumbents were highly unpopular. Voter turn out was only 10,000 yet poll stations were packed. The numbers simply do not add up.

Milton residents, stand up for your rights. Fight the results of this illegitimate election. Contact your MPP to force the province to review the results. We cannot allow this corruption to continue.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Milton: Who Ever Wins, We Lose

It's been a long time since I posted a Milton article. The municipal elections are coming up. What is has been presented is a sad story of our local affairs. I witnessed local corruption first hand at the meeting dealing with the proposed mall to be built at Derry and Bronte back in October. A highly inappropriate location for such a facility. Both local residents and developer Field Gate Homes are strongly opposed to its construction. Mayor Krantz seems to have made up his mind, making a passing comment that we would have to appeal it to the OMB. Let us remember that this was not a meeting to vote on the proposed zoning change that would allow the mall, only for information and to voice opposition. I thus found the mayor's comment very odd. This leads me to believe that there is a lot of back door politics and kickbacks going on behind closed doors at Town Hall.

We now have less than one week before the election. Of the myriad of candidates, little information about them has been given. I place a great deal of blame on the local Canadian Champion newspaper about this. I feel they have not devoted enough on election coverage and have failed journalistically by not criticizing the local officials. Most of the information coming out is about the incumbents, which further adds fuel to my corruption theory. The local news has become nothing more than Mayor Krantz's personal photo album. Nobody knows what the other candidates stand for.

Personally, I will not be voting for anybody who is currently on council. I feel they've destroyed our town by selling us out to the developers. Shame. Unfortunately, I'm predicting landslide victories for the incumbents simply due to lack of voter information, and the disgustingly small turn out for municipal elections. Remember Miltonians, municipal elections effect you the most. Don't let these people back in office!

The Milton municipal election will result in an illegitimate government. The long time residents of Milton have lost our town forever. Welcome to New Brampton.

US and Them

I'm often asked for my opinion about the United States. I usually don't have one, as we have enough problems here to worry about what they do. However, there are times that pop up that effect us a lot. A lot of Canadians dislike Americans. This has been a complete mystery to me as the vast majority I've met are polite, nice people. A far cry from the coldness of Torontonians.

The US has just wrapped up their mid-term elections. The Democratic party has taken control of the House of Representatives for the first time since 1994. The results for the Senate have yet to be released. It's hard to tell exactly what it means for Canada though.
Many Democrats have moved up to Canada in recent years. These people tend to be the most hard-core liberals who strongly oppose the Bush administration. A lot of these people have come up here with false beliefs about what Canada is and what it means to be Canada. The most common fallacy is that Canada is the United States without the problems. Of course that's not true, since we just wrapped the most important elections in recent history, which saw the Liberal party ousted for corruption. The ones interviewed on Global News last night think we're some sort of socialist paradise. It's amazing how people who have actually been living here know so little, like how the health care system they praise is no better than theirs. Studies have shown that. Our system is like stacking bricks on top of a wine glass. You know it will break, the question is when. It's funny how the most ignorant Americans are actually the ones who stare north with envy.

This election has been important for these people because it does switch the balance of power. However, I doubt our humble little country is going to see much gain out of it. Democrats are a more labour oriented party so we'll likely see a more protectionist economy, where production is domestically focused. Since Canada's economy hinges heavily on export to the US, this does not bode well for us. However, they will give into the powerful business lobby eventually. Border rules are not likely subject to change. Canada has become a convenient target for increased border security post-9/11 despite the thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants sneaking past their southern border on a daily basis. The Democrats will not want to appear weak on terrorism, especially homeland security, so we won't get any help from them on that issue. In fact, the Democrats have been calling for more limits of what we can bring across, trash in particular. Much of the key strategy will be to focus on America's war on terror on the other side of the globe, not at home. Iraq is going to dominate congress for the next while. My prediction is that relations between the US and Canada are not subject to undergo any change.

Finally, I'd like to wrap up with my view on George W Bush. Analytically, he sits outside of the conventional political spectrum. He is neither economically conservative or liberal. Socially, he sits far right about issues. He's a member of what's referred to as the Religious Right. A dangerous class of politically active people because they bring god into the picture. As far as I know, god has no vote, but his followers do. As a leader, Bush has done a poor job. He goes off in every direction with no focus. As a strategist, he is a genius. An expert on damage control and getting people to go along with him. The US unfortunately suffers from the same problems as Canada does. Poor leadership. There is nobody in either the Republican or Democratic party that stands out amongst the others. It's going to take a long while to bring the American ship of state back on course.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

University Students: More for Less

Once again, my fellow university students are fighting to get their tuition fees reduced. I do feel that we pay too much at the universities, but I'm starting to see the reasons why. University students are an interesting bunch. The South Park guys would say they like to smell their own farts. They're very smug. They think they're progressive and attentive to the issues. They're not. The issue of tuition fees has become all too black and white. These students should know better than to treat it like that.

The tuition debate has been raging for the past several years. In some fields, such as law, tuition has been increasing nearly exponentially. On average though, tuition increases this year were roughly between 1-6%. Dalton McGuinty followed through on an election promise to freeze fees for two years only. When the freeze was lifted, many students felt he had broken a promise. Though I do not like the man, he did not lie or break any promises in this case. The freeze was clearly stated to be for two years only, with caps of up to 6% after. Students still feel cheated.

Now here's the kicker. While students have been protesting the huge increases in tuition, they have also been demanding more on campus services. Services that cost money. Where I go, demands include 24 hour quiet study space, a more advanced gym, more money for clubs, and even child care services. In other words, they want to pay less money in tuition, but they want more money for other things. Often these demands are non-academic, related to what they call "campus life".
As an example, $5 is added to tuition for a dedicated fund to help purchase new books for the library. A poll of the student population held by the student council asked whether or not this money should be moved to fund clubs instead. I cannot remember the results of the vote, but I believe the student council's plan was voted in favour of transferring the funds. However, this was only a plebiscite, not a referendum. Only the university's administrators can make the final decision. I think this does show where the priorities are.
The more recent issue of child care at the universities has become a hot topic. The vast majority of students are aged 18-24. Staff members tend to range from 40-60. Most of the staff and students are outside of average child bearing age, which now is probably 25-35. The children of staff members tend to be old enough to look after themselves for short periods of time. So this begs the question, is child care really necessary. I think not. In four years, I've only met one student who had a young child. Universities should not be in the business of running such programs because they are such a financial drain. You have to hire day care workers and designate a room, buy toys and educational material. All that for a very small number of people. Likely, all students would be forced to share the burden of these services, rather than just those using them.

So who do these students want to pay for their new services? Ironically, themselves. Not in the form of tuition but in the form of higher taxes. They want tax payers to fork up the bill for their education. That would be a huge burden when government coffers are already stretched thin trying to pay for health care and primary & secondary educational services. There simply isn't enough money to have a "free" university system without having huge tax increases. I'm sorry my fellow students, but you're just going to have to buckle down, start saving, and stop wasting so much money on beer and parties. That's life, get used to it.
Besides, if university were "free", you can't honestly tell me you wouldn't take it for granted.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Trouble With Belinda

I'm glad I don't live in Newmarket/Aurora. Liberal MP Belinda Stronach controls this riding. She certainly is an interesting character in Canadian politics. She replaces Sheila Copps and Caroline Parish as the most controversial female in parliament. So who is Belinda Stronach? She's a business woman and heiress, her father owns auto parts giant Magna International. She was ran for the Conservative party leadership in 2003, loosing to Steven Harper. In 2004, she was elected as a Conservative MP for the Newmarket/Aurora riding in Ontario. Shortly there after, she engaged in a whirlwind romance with Conservative deputy leader Peter Mackay. She later dumped him, and the Conservatives and crossed the floor to the Liberals. She was re-elected as an MP in the same riding under the Liberal banner in early 2006 and continues to serve as an MP.

This week, she's back in the news after Mackay allegedly called her a dog in parliament. This was after a Liberal in opposition made a comment about Makay's actual dog. Stronach was not sitting in parliament at the time. No evidence of the infamous dog remark has been found on the record. Only Liberals claimed to have heard it. Somewhat disgustingly, it has dominated the news. Sometimes I wish Canada was more like the Republic of China, where they have first fights in their parliament. Issues with other MPs would certainly be solved faster that way.
This is not the first time Stronach has been in the news. She allegedly had a sexual relationship with hockey tough guy Tie Domi. She flatly denies this despite photographic proof existing to the contrary. Stronach had demanded an apology from MacKay over the dog comment.

Stronach herself is a political pawn. She knows this and plays it well. Her favorite defense is sexism. She only gets treated poorly simply because she is a woman. In reality, she is simply a poor little rich girl who knows how to manipulate people to get what she wants. The dog comment and the Domi incident only testify to her pawn role. However, this makes her a very ineffective leader. She simply does nothing other than play political games, and in reality stands nowhere on the issues. She would probably have joined the communist party without second thought if they offered her the same sweet deal that the Liberals did. The Liberals have carefully crafted the dog issue around her in order to make it appear that the Conservatives are anti-woman. They are in fact succeeding as female support has dropped sharply over the comment that many people in parliament weren't even sure was made. The Conservatives just the same played her in the Domi issue, attempting to destroy here credibility. When the next election comes, I highly recommend that Newmarket residents vote Stronach out on her backside, if only to put an end to the nonsense political games.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Garbage Now at Our Borders

Mexico is no longer the place for American criminals to pay a visit. Canada is now the new hot travel destination for those who are less than law-abiding. This week however has presented us with one of the strangest court rulings in US history. A Buffalo man charged with sex offenses convicted. In lieu of jail time, he proposed he spend his three year sentence in Canada with his family. The judge agreed.

Woah! Back the truck up here. A US judge actually banished a man and is putting their garbage on our doorstep? Well, it wouldn't be the first time since we get tons of pre-caught felons coming up here. However, can this Buffalo judge even legally do this?

The simple answer is black and white. No they cannot. Canada has full rights to refuse entry or remove anyone of another nationality who has committed criminal acts. I'm also pretty sure that even though this person was convicted of a crime, it's unconstitutional to kick an American citizen out of their own country. Unfortunately, this issue is not black and white. The judge made his ruling and it stands unless a higher court rules the decision to be irresponsible. So now the US and Canada are debating what to do with this man. The man is now stuck living it up in legal limbo with his family in St Cathrines. The Canadian government is deciding whether or not to deport him. They likely will deport the man because they don't want to create a legal precedent that would allow US judges to use Canada as a giant penal colony. The US is also stuck between a rock and a legal hard place because they would have to appeal the decision, which takes time.

The ideal thing to do would be to detain this man for deportation while the US goes through the process. However, we would need to seek assurance that the US would pay for his detainment. We also need an agreement that ensures that this mess will never happen again.

Don't Turf Turner, Turf Harper

I was very upset and disturbed by Halton MP Garth Turner being kicked out of the Conservative caucus. As I understood it, the Conservatives were going to give us a more US style government in which individual MPs were allowed to speak their minds. However, what we are getting is more Chrétien style attitude from the man in power. In other words, strong arming their MPs into line. Comments on Turuner's blog were cited for his removal from caucus. Turner is one of the only MPs who uses an electronic medium to talk to his constituents.

Former Hamilton MP Sheila Copps brought up an interesting point in this weeks Sun. She says that this move will backfire in Harper's face. Indeed it will for I will no longer be voting Conservative unless they apologize to Turner and reinstate his seat in caucus, and remove Harper as party leader. So far, Harper has been a disappointing leader, particularly to Progressive Conservative supporters like myself. He has given us a rather poor foreign policy coupled with more typical Liberal style antics on the home front.

The turfing of Turner however is just as much an institutional issue as it is a Conservative Party one. The fact that this would even be legal in a modern, western democracy is appalling. The Westminster system is simply too archaic to function effectively. Many people cite history as a reason not to change. However, history is a dialogue of change and change is what is needed. Canada must adopt a US style republic in which all sitting members in parliament are free to speak and vote as they choose. This system may be slower and has its flaws, but it is still more fair and balanced than the one Canada currently uses.

Pony Up The Dough Tonto

Wow, a lot to cover this week.

Well, it's been nearly a year since the start of the Caledonia land dispute, and it shows no sign of ending. A recent report has found that the province of Ontario has found that total cost of policing the dispute and buying the land could cost up to $55 million before the protest ends. Ontario wants at least $25 million from the feds to pay for it, since police don't work cheap. However, why should the Canadian tax payer even be on the hook for this at all?

This farce in Caledonia makes you question who is really running the country. A group of natives sell a plot of land to a housing developer, then decide they want it back but refuse to return the money. They claim they didn't understand the deal. Sure, and I'm the queen. They know exactly what they're getting into because the white man will bend over backwards for the Indian and even hand them the bottle of lube. They know how to play off the white guilt felt in todays PC age.

I propose that the Iroquois First Nation should be made to pay for the protest. Their scam backfired and they started this dispute. They are the ones harassing the people living in Caledonia. Canadians should not be forced to pay for their temper tantrum.
As I have already said, the whole way we deal with the country's native people needs to change. It is archaic, places a huge burden on Canadians, and keeps the native people backwards. I cite the huge success of many who have left the reserves to join the rest of the world, yet without giving up their roots. They obviously are not inferior. The first step to brining them out of the hole they've been buried in is make them responsible for their actions against the greater society. It's time to stop treating Canada's First Nations like children.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Unfab Five

Today, I'd thought I would look at the five leaders that are, or are claimed to be threatening world peace. Lets investigate the their threat to our country.

Osama Bin Laden
The Saltan of Terror, the king of Jihad. Osama (aka Usama) is a religious zealot bent on wreaking havoc where ever he goes. A typical spoiled rich kid, he has corrupted Islam to suit his own perverse hatred of the Western world. It is unclear why he does this.
Osama is directly responsible or inspired dozens of deadly terrorist attacks in the United States, United Kingdom, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, and several other countries. He has legions of followers who hold onto his every word. He and his followers do not fear god and they are not afraid to harm innocent people in order to achieve their goal of a fundamentalist Islamic world. In the process, he has put Islam against the rest of the world. Canada is on his hit list.

Threat to Canada: High
Likely Actions: Small to mid scale terror attack
Canadian Casualties: Up to 10000

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He is driven by hatred and racism more than religion. Has stated he wants to wipe Israel off the map. His regime is fascist and Nazi-like. Current work if focused on developing a nuclear program. It is unknown whether or not this is for peaceful purposes or for war. Canada recognizes Israel's right to exist, and therefore puts us in opposition to Iran. Canada, however, is too far away and our military is busy elsewhere.

Threat to Canada: Low
Likely Actions: Nuclear attack on Israel, war with United States
Canadian Casualties: Likely none

Kim Jong Il:
Leader of the North Korean communist party and de facto ruler of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Kim Jong Il is viewed as a cartoonish super villain and mad man. He is in fact a smart politician who knows how to manipulate the world. He lives in a great palace while his people starve. His regime is Stalinist and almost Orwellian. North Koreans have little or no freedom. Kim Jong Il is still living in the world of 50 years ago, and is still fighting the capitalist vs communist Cold War. North Korea is still technically at war with NATO, of which Canada is a member. He has recently developed nuclear weapons technology and has missiles that can reach North America.

Threat to Canada: Moderate
Likely Actions: Nuclear attack.
Canadian Casualties: Zero up to the millions if a nuclear weapon struck the west coast.

Hugo Chavez Frias:
President of Venezuela and leader of the bloodless Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez is a colourful character. He is a borderline communist, though hasn't made the move to go that far yet. He is a close ally of several dangerous nations including Iran, North Korea, and Cuba. Chavez is strongly anti-American and anti-western. He has encouraged revolutions and has called the US president the devil. He gained power democratically in 1998 after he lead two failed military coup attempts. Chavez was a middle ranking military officer and knows about tactics. Venezuela sits on a huge oil deposit, which the government has total control of. An oil trade embargo could cause economic havoc.
Chavez and Venezuela like to cheer and egg on America's enemies.

Threat to Canada: Low
Likely Actions: Oil trade embargo
Canadian Casualties: None

George W Bush:
Bush is the somewhat comical president of the US. Some would argue he is the biggest threat to the world, but he is in fact more of a threat to his own people. His poorly planned defense measures are full of weak spots. He likes to blame others for America's problems. Doesn't get his facts straight. He tends to point the finger at Canada's weak border, while thousands of Mexicans stream into the US in the south.

Threat to Canada: None
Likely Actions: Tighter border security
Canadian Casualties: None.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


It's been some time since Michael Jackson sang "it doesn't matter if you're black or white". Society has made significant improvements since the civil rights movements of the 1960s, or has it? A lot of people would have you believe the reverse. Apparently, our society is slipping towards the levels of Nazi Germany with a credo fit for the KKK. What a curious world we live in.

Of course, I'm going to talk abour Air India. When Stephen Harper was elected Prime Minister, he promised that an inquiry to the 1985 Air India bombing would be held. It was thought that the criminal trial didn't really bring justice so it's hoped that this civil inquiry would help bring some answers and closure.
The inquiry itself is now underway, but is already seriously flawed. Former Ontario premier Bob Ray had done an indepth report on the disaster and trial about a year ago. His conclusion was that although the investigation had its problems, there was no racial bias. The head judge of the inquiry disagrees. He feels that racism indeed played a part in corrupting the investigation.

Racism seems to be the universal scapegoat for society's problems. Apparently, all white people do is try and keep brown people down. Plato called this a true lie. A lie that so corrupts people's souls that it destroys society. Indeed, white people do not focus soley on trying to bring others down. Sure, there are racist people, but they are a very small minority. However, percieved racism is the most dangerous type. It's what cases the problems in our society. Most often, you'll hear anti-immigrant blurbs from people of all stripes, but I have never witnessed anybody be treated differently due to their colour or ethnicity. Unfortunately, a lot of visible minorities enjoy using the term when ever they feel they've been wronged. In my opinion, calling someone in our society a racist when they clearly are not is a high insult.

So where am I going with this? Well, first of all, this inquiry should be stopped immediately. It's an enormous waste of tax payer money. It truly is tragic for the families who lost loved ones. I'm getting the feeling though that no matter what the ruling, they will be unsatisfied. I'd rather see my money spent on more important things.
The judge in the inquiry should be ashamed of himself as well for even making such comments. Judges are not supposed to express their opinions at trials. They are supposed to listen to arguments from both sides and when the trial finishes, they then make an unbiased decision based on the evidence. This truly proves what a three ring circus our justice system is. Justice John Major, who is making the accusations, is a Supreme Court Judge to boot. I think this sheds a lot of light on the system. Perhaps the money would be better spend on holding a public inquiry about an incompetent justice system. Let the judges face the jury for a change.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Teach, Teach, Bang, Bang

The past month has been truly horrible. After the incident in Montreal, there seems to be a rash of copycat school shootings across Canada and the United States. Most recently was the execution style murders of five girls at an Amish school house in rural Pennsylvania.
School shootings seem to be becoming a disturbing trend again. They pop up about every five to ten years or so. Fortuantely, the most serious crime on the campus I attend is highway robbery, but these events have got me thinking. Are we really safe in our places of education?

It seems our youth in general are becoming increasingly violent. I'm not quite exactly sure why this is, but it's likely bad parenting plays a role. Parents not loving their kids enough and turning a blind eye to what they're doing. Not teaching them good values, such as how to resolve disputes without resorting to violence. Some of these people though are just nuts though. Then there's the whole thing about the games and TV watch; if you've read this blog long enough, you know where I stand on that.

So, are schools safe? Well, that depends. Inner city schools typically suffer higher rates of crime than suburban ones. Still, schools for the most part are safe places and parents need not worry. The truth is, the number of shootings of that magnitude, where people are targeted randomly, is very small. Your child is probably more likely to get hit by lightning than they are getting killed in that manor.

Even so, is there any way to prevent these horrible acts from happening? Unfortunately no. If someone wants to do it bad enough, they're going to do it. Gun controls won't work as they'll just obtain them illegally. Police on campus might work but don't act as a deterrant. The killer will still try to do his deed. All we can do is pray these disturbed people seek help before they act on their fantasies.

How About this Heat?

Climate change is a common buzz word heard around the halls of parliaments these days. We aren't doing enough to stop global warming, so says Ontario Environmental Comissioner Miller. There seems to be a lot of attention put into pollution controls and environmentalism these days, almost too much, but it's still apparently not enough.
Controlling pollution is important. We know that breathing dirty air is bad for our health. Much of it is caused by people driving cars too big for their needs, and inefficient methods of transporting goods (ie transport trucks). However, is this really destroying out planet?

First of all, I am going to make a very controversial statement. Global warming is a fear tactic. It is simply fear mongering by environmental groups to force people to cut pollution. Is it a hoax? possibly. We have had hot summers over the past few years, but we've had some pretty fridged winters too. Looking at records from weather offices, this is not out of the ordinary. In fact, the kind of weather we get hasn't changed much at all. Heat waves were normal in the 60s and 70s. Some of the most violent storms, including hurricanes, date back to 50 or more years ago.
Another, more likely answer is that yes, our climate is changing but not because of us. Earth's atmosphere is very volitile and climate change happens very frequently. Since the time of the dinosaurs, Canada went from being tropical paradise, to grasslands, to frozen wastland, to it's present form several times over. On a global scale, humans are a pretty insignificant. If the planet wanted to, it could just bat us as if we were mosquitos. Recent bouts of harsh weather have become a convinient way to "prove" the end of the world is coming. However, hurricanes and storms tend to be cyclical in nature. 2005 was a terrible year for hurricanes. After Katrina, "scientists" started saying that we'd most likely see the same amount of storms in the coming years, but they'd be far more powerful. The 2006 hurrican season has now passed it's peak and has been quiet. No storms have caused significant damage. Weather is an inexact science and I think it's wrong that environmentalists keep telling people it is.

Global warming in recent years has become something like US president Johnson's infamous Daisy commercial from the 1960s. Getting people to side with groups and politicians by putting out visions of an impending apocolypse, unless we do what they say. While I believe we should do what ever we can to reduce pollution. It's our home, keep it clean. Pollution levels are slowly dropping and the hole in the ozone layer has even begun to close. The world is not going to end anytime soon so lets cool it on global warming.

Air Sickness

I've been an aviation enthusiast for years. I'm officially declaring war on NDP MP Olivia Chow. Once again, it's over Toronto City Centre Airport (aka the island airport) and Porter airlines.

Three years ago, Toronto mayor David Miller made a campaign promise to end construction of a bridge to the island airport, a promise he made good on. Unfortunately for Toronto tax payers, the contracts had already been awarded and singed. The contractor threatened to sue the city for breaking contract. The fight has again been reignited over Porter Airlines. This new airline will fly deHavilland Dash-8s, twin engine turbo-prop airliners on a route to Ottawa, with other Canadian and American cities possible in the future.

You may be asking what's the big deal? Numorous reasons have been given. The most commonly cited problems are air and noise pollution. Other claims made are runways being too short. For those who don't know, a turbo-prop is basically a jet engine that uses a gear driven propeller. Unlike conventional jets, it's a closed, low power system. They are quieter and more energy efficient than big jets and piston engine planes. The planes themselves are no louder and do not pollute more than any other vehicle that operates in the area. Turbo-props also do not need long runways as jet airliners do, so the island airport's are more than long enough.

So what's the real reason to close this aiport? To find the anwer, we must travel three kilometers east across the harbour, to The Docks. The Docks are a massive entertainment complex along the waterfront. A couple months ago, the nightclub there had it's alcohol licence temporarily revoked due to noise complaints. Where did those complaints come from? The Toronto Islands, more specifically, the people who live on the eastern half of the islands.

Recent polls have shown that the vast majority of Torontonians feel the airport issue is dead. Even those who live in the downtown don't care. Many feel the airline is a good idea. Even at the best of times, it's a long drive to Pearson Airport from the downtown. A lot of people travel frequently to Ottawa and Montreal and have welcomed Porter. People like the idea of an airport in walking or transit distance. However, Island residence are not like most people. I believe "crunchy granola" has been used to describe them. They are in general quite socialist. Right up David Miller and Olivia Chow's ally. Much of the fight over the waterfront has been started by them. Though I do not oppose revitalizing the waterfront (as long as only Toronto pays for it), I do not believe a small minority of people should be dictating what should be done. First of all, the islands were meant as a park. The people living there are squatters. The city has tried for years, with mayors as recently as Mel Lastman trying to get them to leave. They are living there illegally. The airport is crown land. Both the recent Liberal and Conservative governments have refused to listen to complaints. Only the NDP seems to want to make this an issue.

So what should be done about the airport? Leave it, build that bridge, and let the issue die. Simple as that. It's time to end the dithering by Toronto's mayor and the NDP and focus on the real issues in the city such as crime and a crumbling transit system.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Bridge It

The big story this week has been the collapse of an over pass in Montreal. Several people were killed. It's raised some questions about the safety of our roads and bridges in Canada. My family has operated a small civil engineering firm that builds bridges around Ontario for the past 12 years. Are our bridges safe? For the most part they are. I can at least say the ones we've built are with a spotless MTO record to back that up.
However, there are some inherant flaws in our infrastructive. They come in the form of poor work by government engineers, shoddy construction by shiftless companies, and a lack of funding for road repair.

Canada's roads are simply a disgrace. I've been to second and third world countries in the Caribbean and Latin America that have better roads then we do. I'm not making that up. Are highways are crumbling. They are maintained by simple patchwork and shotcrete that simply holds them together for just a little longer. Governments will do anything to put off work. I've seen some bridges that look like they've been through a war zone. Harsh Canadian winters, heavy vehicles, and overuse of road salt take their toll on steel, concrete, and asphalt. Government engineers just seem to turn a blind eye to these problems. When bridges are slated to be worked on, they often do not know what needs to be done or how to go about it. They rely on contractors to do that. Unfortunately, some contractors are shiftless. They cut corners and bid work too cheap. Governments just do not seem to view roadwork as important, or any form of transit for that matter.

This is the kind of topic I could write a book about, but lets cut to the chase. How do we solve it.
Well first, we need to send %100 of the gas tax into road work. Not the 10% that governments are currently offering. The biggest mistake governments made was putting gas taxes into general revenue. Once they did that, little of the money went to where it was supposed to go.
Bridges also need more frequent, more thorough inspections. MTO engineers claim they inspect them at least once a month, but they do not. In reality, inspections are probably carried out once a year, if that. Number three, competant contractors should be rewarded and shiftless ones should be kept a closer eye on. Governments should only rely on contractors to do the work, not to figure out how to do it. Better engineers need to be hired and there must be better communication in engineering departments and with contractors.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Green Party Platform Interging

It seems that the Green Party is beginning to make itself as a possible fourth contender at the federal level. Today they issued a peak at their platform under new leader Elizabeth May. The platform of course is focused on environmental issues but also offers a carrot to fiscal conservatives. Lets take a look at what I like and what I don't.

There are many tax cuts in the program. On the chopping block are income and payroll taxes. It also introduces tax breaks for fuel efficient small cars and extra fees on gas guzzlers and SUVs. They also plan to provide rebates for those who purchase energy efficient appliances and upgrades for their homes. They will also end government subsidizing to the Alberta oil sands. As an advocate of the free market economy, a lot of this makes sense, especially ending subsidizing. Tax breaks are always welcome. The national parks system is also planned to be expanded, which is good for tourism.

What I don't like is the over focus on environmental issues. Particularly a so called "carbon tax" that would tax fossil fuels more. There is enough tax on these as it is. Fossile fuels tend to be an inelastic item that sells no matter what the price so this wouldn't work. Discouraging fossil fuel use is also not a good idea. Much of Canada is rural and small town so peddle power is hugely impractical. There are no working alternatives to petrolium on the market yet. Taxing chemicals is also harmful to business. They call it tax shifting by reducing income and corporate taxes but transfering them to goods they consider dangerous.

The biggest problem with the Greens is their narrow focus. Just when they seem to come up with some good ideas, they bunggle it. They build an entire platform on environmental issues but leave out everything else. There was no mention of health care, education, immigration, or the military in their platform. Their environmental plans themselves sound good on paper, but in practice are either impractical or cannot work period. This is why they will never receive a seat in parliament, at least not in the forseeable future.

Thoughts for the Week

I have not had the time to post any full articles so here's some quick thoughts on this week's news.

Belinda Stronach's alledged affair with Tie Domi is the big story. Stronach cannot understand why it's attracted so much media attention. She believes the harsh critisism she's received is a result of sexism stating it would not get the same reaction if she were a man. Try telling that to Bill Clinton.

The federal Conservatives have cut $1 billion in programs. Liberals are outraged saying the cuts harm the most vulnerable. In other words, pot smokers.

Travel restrictions have been relaxed. You can no bring liquids and gels in containers no bigger than 90ml. You can still bring drinks on the plane provided you bought them at the terminal, for $3 a bottle.

The Ontario Liberals have offered voters a carrot on a stick in the form of banning expiry dates on gift cards. It's about time, but this is something that's only going to win over the stupid. Unfortunately, there's a lot of them.

President of Venezuela George Lopez, er, Hugo Chavez called George W Bush the devil. Yes, it's the gringo's fault his country is in the trash, rather than it's own corrupt, dictatorial government. This from a man calling Bush violent and undemocratic who just happened to lead a military coup in his own country, twice, before being elected president. I don't even think his best buddy Fidel Castro hates America that much.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

MMN Blog News

Here's what's going on with the MMN blog.

Unfortunately, I did not get around to our anniversary year in review. Due to time constraints, I didn't get an opportunity to write such a large series of articles.

On the plus side, we now have a new interactive web forum. It allows those interested in politics to discuss and debate issues found here on MMN. It's more flexible to the blog style, which users can only post comments in regards to my articles. Registration is free so give it a try. I will get the link posted on the directory bar ASAP, in the mean time, you can click the link below to get there.

"Two Rs Come September"

The kids have finally gone back to school. Summer seems like it could go on forever, then BAM, it's September already. At least Christmas and Thanksgiving are around the corner.

Now, down to business. It looks like the 2006/2007 school year is not going to be without conflict, which is nothing new. This time we have school boards whining for a change. They must alternate with the teachers every other year.
The Toronto District School Board has been leading the complaints this year. I don't have the exact data in front of me, but I believe they are $80 million in the red. The TDSB has refused to balance its budget forcing the province to investigate them. The TDSB claims the old 1998 funding formula is no longer enough for a 2006 education system, due to rising energy costs, and other unforseen expenses. The people in Toronto are only a case study for the growing problem of fiscal mismanagement in today's education system. They are guilty of the sort of things that would get somebody working in the private sector fired. Of course, it's always easier to spend someone else's money.

The TDSB now needs to find a way to cut $80 million from it's budget. However, they don't want to cut anything. Too bad as running up huge debts only makes things worse for students in the long run. Throwing more money at the problem isn't the answer either. The province already tried that by giving them some $200 million, which apparently wasn't enough. What people choose to ignore is that the TDSB's operating costs should indeed be going down as enrollment is declining. They also sit on a huge pool of assets that are being underused, if used at all.

A few years back, the TDSB closed several schools. The problem is, they are still holding onto them, and still paying expenses on them. These schools will continue to go unused for the forseeable future due to the province's aging population. Why then, do they insist on keeping them. Many of these schools have degraded into eyesores with weeds so tall in the playground they resemble wild jungles. With a lack of commercial space in the GTA, the properties would likely sell very quickly. Schools can easily be converted to office space and the playgrounds in the back could add some much needed greenery. It's seems insane for an organization to hang onto something so useless, that's costing so much to upkeep. (yep, there's a teacher joke in there too) The TDSB also has assets that it has no business owning, such as pools. These should be sold to the city. School boards are not in the business of parks and rec either. Though the board claims assets can only be sold once, they forget about the money they're saving by not having to pay upkeep expenses.

Then there is the issue of over-employment. The schools have more teachers, lunchrooms supervisors, and assistants than you can shake a yard stick at, even though they like to tell people otherwise. All this hiring was done to keep class sizes under 30 kids. Studies have shown that lower student/teacher ratios do not necessarily mean a better education, only less work for teachers. In post secondary education, classes can be 10 times (or more) bigger than those in public schools, with student/teacher ratios usually being 100:1. People who attended school from about 1950-1970 typically had classes of 40 or more students due to the baby boom, yet did not suffer. Much of the focus on education recently has been in fact lowering workload for teachers, rather than improving the quality of education for students. Teachers typically work only 30-40 hours a week, including marking time, which is no more than anybody else does. Not to mention they only work about 42 weeks a year. Their pay rate is roughly between $40-60/hour, which is equivilant to that of a skilled tradesperson or small business owner. My estimates on teacher pay are actually four years out of date, under the Conservative government. Teachers make about 5-10% more annually today. I conservatively estimate 70-80% of current education funding goes to pay for teacher salaries and benefits.
Class sizes should be capped at a more practical 40 students. There should be a teacher hiring freeze, and any wage increases should equal the rate of inflation except in the case of promotions.
Then there is the large number of unionized support staff, such as teaching assistants and lunchroom supervisions that demand premium cash for what should be a minimum wage job. Quite frankly, these people serve little use. Back when I was little, they had hall monitors, older students or parent volunteers who did what these supervisors are getting paid for today. Schools also do not need to hire these so called Teachers' Aids. They can get these as volunteers or co-op students from teacher's colleges. It's sad to lay any working person off, but you can't keep somebody on when you simply can't afford to keep them. Lunch room supervirsors and Teacher's Aids need to go.

There are also several programs that can also go. Breakfast and lunch clubs are a total waste of tax payer cash. I find if difficult to believe that there are that many kids in Toronto that go hungry because they are too poor to afford a slice of toast in the morning. Some of these programs even exist in afluent areas! Parenting courses should also be given the boot. If you don't have the instincts necessary to raise a child, wear a condom. If these problems are so rampant, they should be taken over by the city instead, or be administered by the Ministry of Health.

Now for the board itself. The TDSB recently voted to give trustees a $20,000 raise. Most corporate CEOs are lucky to get that much in one go. This raise added over $400,000 to the $80 million deficit. Trustee wages should be equal to the rate of inflation and for cost of living only. Being an elected official is not a job for life anyway. Trustees should be limited to a maximum of two or three terms in office. This gives them plenty of time to achieve goals. Parents also need more say at school board meetings. After all, they should have a say on what's to be done with their money. People also need to start voting in municipal elections.
I'm sure we can also find ways to cut a lot of bureaucratic waste within the TDSB as well. Government offices also suffer from over-staffing and uncessessary expenses.

It's not impossible for school boards to balance budgets. In fact, even with this "dreadful" Mike Harris funding formula, there is plenty of money to go around. It all boils down to gross mismanagement at the hands of school board trustees and administrators. Only parents can take action against them. Watch this issue closely and send a strong message to these trustees come November. Anybody who doesn't vote in municipal elections is a moron, as they will have the most direct effect on you and your family.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Troll Under the Bridge

Remember the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff you were told as a kid? It was about a troll under a bridge. Toronto has its own troll under the bride, his name is Chris Gardener.

Chris Gardener has taken the spotlight recently. You see, he lives under the Gardener expressway at Spadina. He has done so for the past 8 years. He built a makeshift house under the highway in which he stole electricity and payed no tax on. He even has his "property" fenced in. Gardener's career choice to support his "house" is drug dealer. Gardener (as he has named himself, after his place or residence) hasn't been a major problem until recently. The city of Toronto needs to make repairs to the highway. He needed to be moved as his choice of residence would pose a safety hazzard to himself and construction workers.

The political fallout has been over Gardener being moved. Gardener recounted the story that eight years ago, while he was in Montreal, God came to him and told him that landlords have no right to charge rent. Thus Gardener travelled to Toronto and set up his shack under the highway. Judging by this statement alone, we can safely assume that Gardener is a frosty chocolate nut bar with a brain turned to nouget. The city has repeatedly offered him welfare, affordable housing, and treatment for his mental issues. All of which he has refused. Gardener simply does not want to be a part of our society, though he won't go as far as moving to a cabin in the woods, which would be a far more appropriate place if he wants to drop out.

Of course, OCAP has to get involved in all of this. The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, a radical Toronto based anachist group, was attracted to his story like flies on cow pies. More alarming is that they tend to agree with Mr Gardener and "God" that people should be allowed to live for free. OCAP is simply getting more comical as the days go on. Perhaps they should host their protests at Second City and get some money out of making people laugh at them. This is a group that has failed to attract the attention of political parties due to their beyond communist, extreme far left tactics. Today, they attempted to block Mr Gardener's eviction. Fortunately, they were peaceful, but not without giving people a hard time. Mr Gardener's shack was rightly demolished and work can now proceed on the highway safely.

The story doesn't end there though. It brings about some questions about the true nature of poverty in the city of Toronto. The question is, should we allow this type of behaviour? More low income housing seems to be the magical cure-all that OCAP is proposing. The fact is, there are already tons of low income housing projects in Toronto. One must be making an income first though. Homeless do not. They simply choose to live on the streets even though there are plenty of safe alternatives. I don't buy the mental issue argument either Despite what OCAP wants, nobody can, nor should live for free. That's the nature of most societies. If everybody is going to get things handed out to them, well, who is going to produce and manage those things? Even in communist countries, that type of behaviour is unacceptable. Sorry Mr Gardener and OCAP, you loose and you always will.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Time To End Air Travel Restrictions

This is getting more silly by the day. Since last week, it is now illegal to carry liquids and gels onto a plane. Seniors and children even are not allowed to bring water or juice with them.

Restrictions on what can be carried aboard a plane is simply a sign of how flawed the security at airports is. It has long be known that explosives can be made in liquid for, yet they have just been banned. The big question is if this ban is really justified. I say it isn't. We are punishing an entire population of innocent people. We are not protecting them, but are simply taking away their civil liberties due to the incompetance of security officials. It won't be long before we won't be able to fly with anything in the cabin, including our clothes. Yep, we'll all be nakid.

El Al Israel airline doesn't have these bans. You'd think they'd be terrorism target #1 but they don't suffer from these problems. Why? They are carful of who they let on board. Yes, they profile. That seems to be a dirty word, profiling. However, it is a step we must take. We cannot keep punishing those who have done nothing as a few would choose to turn airplanes into weapons of murder. It is unlikely a 90 year old grandma from Saskatoon is going to strap a bomb to herself in the name of Mohammed and Allah. The odds of being involved in a terrorist attack are less than that of being hit by lightning.
The least disruptive way is to monitor those who get on board the plane, not by what they have on them, but rather who they are. More hightech security is also needed at airports such as chemical sniffers. Rather than ban stuff, just check for things that could be used by someone who might be a terrorist, and leave the rest alone.
Perhaps we should also redesign the planes while we are at it. Buses in Britain in the mid 20th century had a separate driver cab. We should do this with planes. Have cockpit and cabin separated by a solid bulkhead with separate doors. Make it so the cockpit can only be accessed from outside the plane. This would most certainly prevent hijackings. Systems such as gas could also incapacitate attackers in the cabin without harming them. This would be far more effective than simply taking away each and every right we have when we fly.

Big Problems

This is a BIG day for MMN. It's a BIG milestone, the 100th post. Today I'd thought I'd tackle a BIG issue. That being, how BIG a problem our kids are getting, because they are so BIG!

That's right, 26% of children are considered obese. Roughly 1 in 2 are overweight. That's a huge number of huge kids. Off these kids, only 8% of their parents consider then to have a weight problem. This has created a health care crisis. It is estimated that this current generation of children will not live longer than their parents, the first time in over a century. This problem will likely end up costing the health system billions.

Kids are inactive. That's the problem. I don't see many kids playing outside as I did when I was a kid, which wasn't that long ago. The government and the entertainment industry usually get most of the blame. The government is targeted because they supposedly are not providing healthy lunches in cafeterias, physED, and nutritional programs. The entertainment industry is accused of feeding an inactive lifestyle due to television and video games. It's all well and good to play the blame game. Though cafeterias in schools should provide healthier food, physED programs are adequate as they are and nutritional classes are unnecessary. Healthy active living is something that needs to begin at home. The majority of parents of overweight kids are overweight themselves. They also pack so much into their scheduels that they have no time or don't even know how to make healthy meals. Many children these days are brought up on frozen, pre-cooked food. This food is loaded with saturated and transfat, as well as unhealthy doses of salt. Parents simply let their kids sit around the house or are so afraid that a pervert is going to snatch them if they go outside. Quit worring, statistics show that's no more likely than it was years ago. Kids need unstructured play to stay healthy. Peewee sports can also be a good idea but not all kids like sports. They need to be encouraged to be active in other ways. If we get our kids outside, we will eliminate this preventable disease.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Halton MP Makes National News: A Rouge

Back in January, the people of Halton region voted Conservative party member Garth Turner into office as their representative. He is one MP that has not been without controversy. Particularly his refusal to tow the party line. While I don't agree with some of his decisions, I find that Mr Turner has finally brought a voice to Halton region after Liberal MP Gary Carr was voted out. Mr Carr being the ever silent and loyal back bencher, a sleeze, just what Paul Martin wanted. The Liberal MP before Carr also showed dignity by leaving the party after the sponsorship scandle.

This debate over Mr Turner has sprung a vote within the conservative party that will ultimately decide who gets to represent Halton. Turner has frequently been at odds with Steven Harper who can best be described as Bush Light. Though his leadership on the home front has been good, foreign policy has been questionable. What Turner is trying to do is hold his own party leader acountable, as was promised in the 2006 election. People don't like this because they fear an ununified US based system. Surprisingly this would actually work better, though democracy would be slower. A republic is still better than our antiquated system steeped in useless pomp and pagentry. Canadians however fear change. We need more MPs to speak out on citizens behalf rather than simply towing this silly party line concept. That's what democracy is supposed to be about. Halton citizens should support Mr Turner.

Harper No-Show at AIDS Conference: Who Cares?

The big thing in the media this week was why Prime Minister Steven Harper did not show up for the AIDS conference currently being held in Toronto. I guess it's been a slow news week. There's only so much one can talk about petty issues such as wars between Hezbolla and Isreal, and terror in the UK.

Socialists like to try to find every single fault in their right of center buddies. Fortunatley for us on the right side, we don't have to look for the faults of those on the left because they are so obvious, even blind people can see them plain as day.
Federal health minister Tony Clements has attended to conference to my knowledge. He is in charge of the portfolio that administers treatment for the disease. Does the Prime Minister really need to attend as well. According to non-Canadian Richard Gere, he does. Mr Gere probably had to consult Buddah, or more likely Google Maps to even find where Canada is so I hardly think he's in a possition to criticise our government. Typical Hollywood smug but unfortunately this demi-gods of tinsle town carry a lot of pull amoung the idiotic socialist proles. Now everybody has jumped on the bash Steve bandwagon, including, I believe, former US president and non-Canadian Bill Clinton. I'm sure if his wife wasn't running for president in 2008, he wouldn't be there.

The last time the AIDS conference was held in Canada was 1996. Apparently, then Prime Minister Jean Chretien did not attend either, yet he didn't receive the same amount of criticism. There is a huge double standard in the way we treat our politicians in this country. We should hold all government officials accountable yet it is simply not fair to criticise one leader for not attending, but not to criticise another.

The Danger of "Safe" Injection Sites

AIDS is a 100% preventable disease. Except in cases of rape and deception, most people who get it are unsanitary or careless.

The latest solution to help limit the disease is are these safe injection sites. Vancouver has them. What these sites do is provide clean needles for haroine addicts to use. A protest to be held later today will lobby the federal government to legalize these sites nation wide, with particular focus on Toronto. Stupid people in large groups are dangerous indeed.
The common argument against these sites is that it will encourage illegal drug use. It certainly will but this is not the problem. What it does is it gets government into the business of peddling drugs. An extremely dangerous precident.

It is estimated that up to 46 million people are infected with HIV. Though a horrible disease, it pales in comparison with the pandemic of drug addiction. Yet another 100% preventable health problem. Both ruin lives and kill. Though one cannot live relatively normally with drug addiction to the extent that people with AIDS can, thanks to new treatments.
This is what's wrong with safe injection sites. The bigger problem is not encouraging drug use, but rather encouraging people's addictions to them. Heroine is one of the most addictive known drugs. Giving them a place to inject is not going to solve the problem, it's only going to make addiction appear more socially acceptable. We must never get to that point. The only solution is to encourage these people to get off their addiction. Most probably do want to get off the junk, but don't know how. We need more money for addiction programs, not this crap that these protesters are proposing. If you still think there is nothing wrong with government's administering mind bending drugs, I can suggest several distopian books and movies in which that is the central theme, both real and fiction.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Protect our Children

I have to blast both the Liberal and Conservative governments for this. The problem is the sharp increase in the number of sex offenders in our society, particularly those who victimize children. I sometimes wonder if buggering kids is still a crime anymore.

This week's big story was the kidnapping or a young boy out west by a dangerous child molester who has been convicted of that crime numerous times. Seeing the tears in the father's eyes and the trembling in his voice, I knew this pervert had his way with the poor man's son. This was something that didn't need to happen, it shouldn't have happened.

I think our government is afraid of sex offenders. I don't think I can target any particular party because they're all guilty of this. They just don't seem to want to act to toughen laws that would keep in jail, or at least restrict the momement of pedophiles. These people are sick, pure and simple. They are criminally insane and should be locked in mental institutions indefinately. It is not a sexual orientation as some would like us to believe. How many more kids need to be hurt before the people in the halls of parliament and the halls of justice put an end to it.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Pesticide Bylaws Ludicrous

Toronto people are funny. They try to get as far away from the city as possible, yet they try and make their new home exactly like Toronto.

Some new residents to Milton, most likely former residents of Toronto have been pushing for a pesticides bylaw. This proposed bylaw would ban the use of synthetic chemical pesticides in town. This sort of thinking makes little sense, as do most things that come out of that putrid city. These bans simply don't work.

Anyone been to Toronto lately. Take a look at the weeds. They're everywhere. In the sidewalks, on lawns. Everywhere. Due to the pesticides bylaw, there is no way to control them. So called organic methods such as pouring boiling water on them don't seem to be working and there are far too many to pull out. In turn for supposedly saving the environment a bit, the weed problem is making people sick. Toronto has forgotten that many of these weeds produce allergens that can make summer miserable for many. Many of the pesticides used are considered safe by the federal government. I think a bad case of hay feaver is a lot worse than the smell of pesticides. The law would likely also include pesticides used to control harmful insects, which I'm sure local farmers wouldn't be too pleased with.

Do we really want Milton to end up like this. The weeds here are bad enough as it is because the town does not control them on their property, due to budget cuts. If we cut pesticide use all together, the town will be a virtual jungle of dandylyons, ragweed, and hawthorn bushes, just like Drumquin park. Toronto people, if you like Toronto's way of doing thing, get out of Milton and go back there. Milton is a farming community. Farms used pesticides, people use them. We use them to control harmful pests to feed you.

Here are a few tips for people worried about pesticides. First of all, apply them yourself using the bottles that connect to your hose. Weed and pest control companies often use way too much. Doing it yourself is cheaper and you can control how much goes on the lawn. Sprey only a light application during the peak time of year, or whenever pests start to cause major problems. Spreying more than once or twice is often unnecessary, even though pest companies would have you think otherwise. This will help control the majority of dandylyons on your lawn. From then on, it's simply a matter of pulling stragglers. Mow your lawn often to remove dandylyon flowers before they go to seed. Insects and diseases can be controlled with the same method of light spraying. Insecticidal soap can be used after. Try and plant insect and disease resistant varieties.

When to Draw the Line on Hate Crime

Well, looks like the media has grown board of Israel's scuffle with Lebanon. This big story this week is Mel Gibson's DUI. Conspiracy theories are out in full force, claiming Mel is in bed with the cops. The police spokesperson stated that he was arrested without incident, but the leaked police report tells a different story. Apparently the "Road Warrior" (as the media has dubbed him) resisted arrest and shouted slurs at the cops. This is something you expect from a drunk person, and Mel has suffered from alcoholism for some time.

You may be asking why I'm bothering with this idiotic Hollywood celebrity. It's because Mel has re-opened a can of worms that definately needs to be sorted out. This time Mel has taken the roll of the character Pink, from Pink Floyd's classic "The Wall". In a drunken haze, Mel alledgedly shouted racial slurs, anti-semitic slurs to be exact. It has long been suspected that Mel doesn't like Jews. Whether that's true or not is undetermined.
What can be determined is Hollywood's anger about it. Many of those that run Hollywood are Jewish. The rest are Scientologists, making Jesus loving Mel a bit of a minority. Mel's father Hutton Gibson is a extreme fundamentalist Catholic. He is well known for his Holocaust denial. Some are beginning to wonder is Mel takes after dear old dad. Mel's biggest movie, the infamous Passion of the Christ, is said to be anti-semitic.

Hollywood now wants to take their revenge on Mel. They want him to be black listed but also charged with hate crimes. This begs the question. How does one define a hate crime, exactly? Lets use Mel as a case study. Mel alledgeldy said hateful things about Jews. Was he hurting Jews? No, as the arresting officers were not Jewish. Was he spreading hate? No, he was drunk so it's unlikely anybody would take him seriously. So did Mel commit a crime? No. In the United States, freedom of speech is protected under the first amendment. You can say what ever you want no matter how idiotic. That's the way things should be in a democracy. California is slightly different. Hate speech in the workplace (only) is not prohibited, but it is not protected, meaning it is considered reasonable grounds for termination. How California skirts the 1st is unknown. The state is almost a different country and they seem to get away with having their own rules. However, under California and US law, Mel cannot be black listed and he cannot be charged with a crime.

Here in Canada we are a little different. In the US, freedom of expression and speech are god given rights. In Canada, not so much. Sure, our media has more freedom here. The CRTC is less likely to censor offensive material than the FCC does. However, if Mel had done the same thing here, it would have been a crime. You can be arrested, and jailed for making off the cuff remarks. Technically, your constitution is little more than a piece of paper. The SCOC gets to decide what reasonable limits it can put on you, and they get to define what's "reasonable". Doesn't seem quite right, does it. I don't condone hate speech as I like to follow the "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" ideology. However, I don't think our government has the right to tell me what I can and can't say, and they certainly should not have the right to imprison me for it.

Here's where the line is drawn. You say you hate Jews. That should not be a crime. You say the Holocaust never happend. You're an idiot and obviously never paid any attention in school, but that should not be a crime. You harass Jews, threaten them, vandalize their property, beat them up, and/or kill them, well then those are hate crimes and should be punished accordingly. We have to put our democratic values over people's feelings. As long as nobody is being hurt (hurt defined as being directly targeted, not simply offended), we cannot deny people the right to say what they want to. End of discussion.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Martin's Mill News

August is the first anniversary of Martin's Mill News. That's when I first started wrighting it on the now defunct We currently have nearly 90 editorials.
I'll be working on a special "First Year in Review" article. Look for it shortly after August 1st.

If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to post them under the comments section.

Police Action Needed in Israel

Ok, I'm beginning to think this has gone on long enough. The Middle East is once again at war with itself over petty issues. Innocent civilians are being killed, or forced to hide underground on both sides. All because some Muslim nutbars in Lebanon can't mind there own business and because the Israelies are too dumb to use diplomacy.

I propose a state of Police Action in Israel and Lebanon by United Nations forces. These countries cannot seem to handle their problems on their own. Lebanon for allowing Hezbolla to exist and Israel for over-reacting to kidnappings. Israel is constantly looking for sympathy from the west but they are just as bad as the terrorists. Perhaps giving the Jews their own state was a mistake after all, because they haven't proven to the international community that they are worthy of it. The only way we're going to stop this conflict is send armed troops into both countries and physically pry them apart, much like what was done in Korea.

What needs to be done.
-UN troops need to enter Lebanon and worwith the Lebonese government to root out every single member of Hezbolla and jail them. They need to be tackled like the police here do with street gangs. Mass armed raids with the help of the community.
-UN needs to place sanctions on Israel. Diplomacy was not exhausted and Israel, much like the Palestinians they hate so much, always resorts to violence whenever something happens that they don't like. If the two countries had worked together peacefully, this whole soldier kidnapped could have been solved without the massive shelling and rocket attacks that are hammering both sides. Israel needs to learn that violence against their neighbours is not ok, especially without declaring war. It is also important to note that they are in violation of the Geneva convention for killing civilians, which Switzerland has already spoken out against.

As I mentioned earlier, the west CANNOT take sides in the conflict if it's ever going to end. We have to treat both sides equally harshly to let them know that this sort of childish behaviour is unacceptable.

Toronto's Misguided Waterfront

For over a decade now, Toronto has planned to revitalize its waterfront, but has now run into more snags. The problem this time around, they don't own all that land.

Earlier this year, the city unvailed a unique plan for their waterfront that would have everything interconnected by fancy boardwalks and bridges. With shopping and parks. As of right now, Toronto's waterfront looks like one you would find in New Jersey, complete with smell. It's in dyer need of restoration. The only problem is the plan selected after an international contest was held is impractical. Unfortunately, it wasn't properly surveyed and it turns out some people own some of the land, and live on it. Two apartment buildings in particular.

Toronto's mayor went back to showing his true red stripes today. Mr Miller is a fundamentalist communist, although he's never publically stated this, it's obvious from his actions. He's all upset that these apartment buildings would block the flow of this interconnected plan. The mayor wants that land and wants the land owners to give it to him nicely. The land owners don't want to sell which has the city puzzled. Why aren't these owners being good socialists like all Torontonians? Are they greedy capitalists who want more money?
It would never dawn on the people running the city that the owners like that land, and don't wish to sell it at all.

I'm beginning to think this waterfront this is just a pipe dream. By the time I'm Mr Miller's age, Toronto's waterfront will probably be dirtier and smellier than ever. In the mean time, they keep wasting my money to pay for this so called improvement in a city I don't even live in.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

North Korea: Threat or Joke?

Today, Prime Minister Steven Harper condemed the launch of its first long range, nuclear capable missile. It has left many questions. Is North Korea really a threat. Are we doomed for another cold war, or perhaps World War Three? We must get inside the mind of the infamous short statured dictator, Kim Jong Il. He clearly suffers from mental issues much like his historical counterpart Joseph Stalin. He is a man who knows little of the West but hate. He suffers from paranoia.

Ever since the cold war ended and the Soviet Union collapsed, other communist nations have gone through a rapid process of modernization and reconcilation. Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and China have opened their doors to the rest of the world and openly engage in the global community. North Korea is different. The country has changed little since the Korean War petered out in the late 1950s. It is isolated, a strange place. It is sort of a twisted version of the USSR with elements of George Orwell's fictional nation of Oceania from 1984 mixed in for flavour. Film footage shows military weapons being paraded and soldiers marching with almost robotic percision. To them, the Cold War never ended. The nation moves further and further behind as its fellow communists push forward. It's no wonder they often ignor Little Kim.

Is North Korea a threat though. The short answer is no. It's certainly not in the nation's best interest. China sits to the west. It has too much to loose by supporting them. The United States has other things to worry about. Other nations are simply over reacting. North Korea is certainly trying to reconcile with the south and launching nuclear attacks would not be smart. Little Kim is simply showing bravado. They simply are doing these missile launches to get a reaction. The best way to combat it is to ignor them. It's a Chinese issue anyway. Historically, the Korean peninsula has been treated by China as a little brother. It is really none of the west's business and to do anything would be a waste of time on our part. China takes great offense to interferance in the Koreas so it's simply best to let them deal with any problems that crop up.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Time to Clean (Court) House

Ontario's justice system has a serious problem. The problem is that judges are out of touch with society today. Lately, many dangerous criminals are being released on bail or are being given extremely soft sentences. Today, one person accused of one of Toronto's most shocking shooting incidents back on Boxing Day was released on bail. He plans to spend the weekned watching soccer. Gee, that's nice to know. You assist in the murder of someone and injure others and you get to spend the weekend relaxing at home. Something just doesn't seem right with that. In fact many recent deadly shooting incidents have involved people who were out on bail at the time.

The judges making these irrisponsible decisions are endangering the public and should loose their jobs. Our justice system is desigined to give people a second chance, but being accused of cold blooded murder is very different from shoplifting or lighting up a joint. Many of the people being released are already well known to the justice system.

I propose some solutions to this problem. First of all, it's time to clear out the old guard and bring in new blood to the bench that is in touch with today's society. Secondly, there needs to be a check on the justice system by making bail more difficult to grant for indictable crimes. Trials for indictable crimes should only be tried by jury, and sentencing should also be jury decided. If we don't act now to limit the power of irrisponsible judges, the problem will only get worse.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Canada Should Not Take Sides

The United Church and the Ontario Union of Public Employees is calling for a boycott of Israel due to their treatment of the Palestinians. In other words, they want the Canadian government to start taking sides in the nearly 60 year conflict. This is exactly what I expect for unions and religious nuts. An ignorant decision on their part.

The conflict over this small strip of land on the Eastern Mediterrainian has been going on as long as anybody can remember. I liken it to children fighting in the playground over who gets the sandbox. Rather than just sharing it, they scream and cry, and throw a few punches. Unfortunately, there are no parents or teachers around to break up the fight. I think it's the heat.
Now if I had my way, I'd just nuke the whole area and declar that nobody gets it. That wouldn't be smart or correct though. The solution is simple, share the land and treat each other equally. It works here. War ends, everybody lives peacefully. Unfortunately, the hard part is getting these bickering children to realize that.

Some would argue we take sides. The United Church and the UPE want use to take the Palestinians's side because they are being oppressed. Others wish we take Israel's side because they are being terrorized. The correct path is to take neither side. This conflict is none of Canada's business. This is not the west's fault for giving the Jews the land either. They created their own mess. Nothing but trouble arises from taking sides in the problems of distant nations. Each side is as bad as each other. There are people from the troubled region that preach their causes here. Immigrants need to be told to leave their problems at the door or go back to where they came from.

There is no way we can solve, and we do not have to right to even try. Only the Israelies and Palestinians alone can solve it.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Spousal Support Unnecessary

Remember the 1970s when feminists pushed to be completely independent of men? Well it looks like that trend is reversing. Divorce these days has become a big cash cow. It's no wonder half of all marriages end in it. It pays off, especially in a system that tends to favour women. They begin to think "that SOB hurt me, time to clean him out." I think divorced people should get something but the courts are turning into a big sparing match, over the car, the kids, even the dog these days. Now it appears you can get a big payout for "emotional trauma" suffered due to your spouses too friendly relationship with that blond co-worker.

Canada's Supreme Court jesters made a decision reguarding one particular case. A woman was claiming that because her husband cheated on her and she divorced him, she is now too bitter to work. In fact, she's so bitter, she passed up an $80,000 a year job because of the emotional trauma her sleezy husband caused her. She wants her ex to support her. The ex had recently lost a $200,000 job and wanted to get his payments reduced from $2,250 per month. (thanks to the Toronto Sun for the details) That's not a lot, a mere $27,000 per year, and the husband could probably easily afford it, but loosing ones job can be just as traumatic as a divorce, especially one with that much dough. Not that he should be forgiven for cheating. However, this woman was given an opportunity to tripple her current income she's getting from her husband but she turned it down. The supreme court upheld a lower court ruling that the husband must keep paying the $2,250, even though it's 8 years after the fact. This woman had not had an easy life based on the article in the Sun, but one must suck it up, because life does sucks sometimes. If you turn down a high paying job because you are too bitter, you deserve to be homeless in my opinion. Quit sponging off other people. What happened to the vision of the strong and independent woman?

Of course, this court ruling opens up a whole new can of worms. It puts a burdon on the courts as divorced men and women scam the system by making up fake mental illnesses that prevent them from working, when in reality they're just lazy. What an enlightened justice system we have. Spousal support is totally unecessary in today's society, unless the person has a real disabilaty that prevents them form working, few of which exist. People need to be encouraged to become self-sufficient. When a divorce happens, it should be over and thats the end of it. The man should only have to worry about any children with the woman after that, and vice versa.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Give Childhood Back

Childhood is a concept that has become lost in today's society. It seems the push is ever greater to get kids to grow up faster. Yet almost paradoxically, adults try to shield youth from everything that could possibly deem offensive. It is no wonder the world seems very confusing to today's youths, more so than ever.

First of all, let us examine the issue de jour. The Harper government plans to raise the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16. The current law, that allows youth to legally have sex with anyone of any age at 14 has been on the books since the late 1800s. Raising the age to 16 would bring Canada into line with the rest of the developing world.
Raising the age of consent by two years is viewed as a positive step by many Canadians, but oddly enough, it is facing fearce opposition from others. Several interest groups are strongly against raising the age by two years. Accoding to a recent article in the National Post, these are Justice for Children and Youth, the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (formerly Planned Parenthood), the Canadian AIDS Society and Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere. The most surprising ones on the list are the AIDS society and Planned Parenting. Logically, one would think they'd approve of teen abstinance in order to prevent unplanned pregnancy and STDs. According to them, however, they feel that raising the age of consent would force teen sex underground. These interest groups have missed the boat entirely.
There is an exemption in the new law that would allow teens under 16 to have relations with another person as long as they are no more than 5 years older. Meaning that teens can still legally have relations with other teens. The point of this law is to protect our youth from sexual predators. Perhaps it's just me, but I find it deeply sickening that a 45 year old man would be having relations with a 14 or 15 year old girl, or vice versa. It is easy for these men and women to take advantage of young, naive teenagers. Not to mention the higher risk of STD's if a teen is with an older partner who may be a sexual predator.
Personally, I think the age should be raised to 18 as it is in the United States. If you are not considered mature enough to drink, vote, or appear in pornography at 14 and 16, then how can you be mature enough to have a sexual relationship? Obviously there must be some gray area to allow relations with other teens, but allowing them with adults who are much older is unacceptable. It is simply a case of forcing kids to be adults far too quickly. One should not have to worry about complex adult matters such as sexual relationships at 14. To end on a lighter note, I believe Isac Hayes once said "there's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college".

Now about the paradox of children in our society. Forcing them to grow fast, yet shielding them from everything. The idea of protecting kids from everything that could possibly be deemed offensive of mind warping that's present in today's society. (Somehow underaged sex doesn't seem to fall under mind warping though.)
Back in grade school, we used to play a game called Presidents and Assassins. We split into two teams. One team was the Secret Service. The other was the assassins. One kid was made president and it was the job of the secret service to protect him from ths assasins. We'd "shoot" at each other with the age old finger pistols. This game has remained popular for some time, but now some parents are complaining that it's too violent and it encourages gun play. I used to play this game all the time and I've never even picked up a gun in my life. The schools have now been forced to ban this game, along with other popular childrens' games such as war, snowball fights, british bulldog, etc. They are simply too violent for children! That's what the parent's are declaring. Meanwhile, the same parents are going out and buying their 9 year old M rated video games such as Grand Theft Auto, and then they complain that these games are too violent. I guess the big sticker that says "M for Mature: Only for 17+" isn't a good enough indicator of the game's content.
Then again, when it comes to fictional content, parents can go over board in not letting their kids view it. I had somebody tell me yesterday that they wished somebody would shoot Homer and Bart Simpson dead because they encourage children rebelling against authority. A ludicrous notion. Children have been rebelling against authority long before Simpsons creator Matt Geroning was born. I hardly think Bart Simpsons has anything to do with it. If he does, it's the parent's fault and not poor Bart's. That's because the Simpsons, as well as Family Guy, South Park, and all the other shows that parents rant and rave agaisnt are fictional. The program is like that to be funny. If Bart's relationship with Homer was like that stupid Leave it to Beaver show, nobody would watch it. It would be dull. The problem, as I discussed in a past article is parent's failing to teach their children the difference between fiction and reality. As long as parents tell the child that Bart and Homer are just silly cartoon characters and that it's not appropriate to emulate them, then there should be no problems. Obviosuly a four year old should not be watching those kinds of shows though. Parent's need to use their own discression but also to stop being so up tight. For the one child that does do something bad because of something they saw on TV or in a game, there are probably thousands or even millions of other children who did nothing wrong. Why should their fun be spoild because one of their peers is an idiot. Parents should not rely on the schools and the government to declar what's appropriate as every kid is different. Use your brains.